/* Copyright 2014 S. Razi Alavizadeh Copyright 2014-2015 Adam Reichold This file is part of qpdfview. qpdfview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. qpdfview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with qpdfview. If not, see . */ #include "searchmodel.h" #include #include #include "documentview.h" static inline bool operator<(int page, const QPair< int, QRectF >& result) { return page < result.first; } static inline bool operator<(const QPair< int, QRectF >& result, int page) { return result.first < page; } namespace qpdfview { SearchModel* SearchModel::s_instance = 0; SearchModel* SearchModel::instance() { if(s_instance == 0) { s_instance = new SearchModel(qApp); } return s_instance; } SearchModel::~SearchModel() { foreach(TextWatcher* watcher, m_textWatchers) { watcher->waitForFinished(); watcher->deleteLater(); } qDeleteAll(m_results); s_instance = 0; } QModelIndex SearchModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const { if(hasIndex(row, column, parent)) { if(!parent.isValid()) { return createIndex(row, column); } else { DocumentView* view = m_views.value(parent.row(), 0); return createIndex(row, column, view); } } return QModelIndex(); } QModelIndex SearchModel::parent(const QModelIndex& child) const { if(child.internalPointer() != 0) { DocumentView* view = static_cast< DocumentView* >(child.internalPointer()); return findView(view); } return QModelIndex(); } int SearchModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const { if(!parent.isValid()) { return m_views.count(); } else { if(parent.internalPointer() == 0) { DocumentView* view = m_views.value(parent.row(), 0); const Results* results = m_results.value(view, 0); if(results != 0) { return results->count(); } } } return 0; } int SearchModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return 1; } QVariant SearchModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { if(!index.isValid()) { return QVariant(); } if(index.internalPointer() == 0) { DocumentView* view = m_views.value(index.row(), 0); const Results* results = m_results.value(view, 0); if(results == 0) { return QVariant(); } switch(role) { default: return QVariant(); case CountRole: return results->count(); case ProgressRole: return view->searchProgress(); case Qt::DisplayRole: return view->title(); case Qt::ToolTipRole: return tr("%1 occurrences").arg(results->count()); } } else { DocumentView* view = static_cast< DocumentView* >(index.internalPointer()); const Results* results = m_results.value(view, 0); if(results == 0 || index.row() >= results->count()) { return QVariant(); } const Result& result = results->at(index.row()); switch(role) { default: return QVariant(); case PageRole: return result.first; case RectRole: return result.second; case TextRole: return view->searchText(); case MatchCaseRole: return view->searchMatchCase(); case WholeWordsRole: return view->searchWholeWords(); case MatchedTextRole: return fetchMatchedText(view, result); case SurroundingTextRole: return fetchSurroundingText(view, result); case Qt::ToolTipRole: return tr("%1 occurrences on page %2").arg(numberOfResultsOnPage(view, result.first)).arg(result.first); } } return QVariant(); } DocumentView* SearchModel::viewForIndex(const QModelIndex& index) const { if(index.internalPointer() == 0) { return m_views.value(index.row(), 0); } else { return static_cast< DocumentView* >(index.internalPointer()); } } bool SearchModel::hasResults(DocumentView* view) const { const Results* results = m_results.value(view, 0); return results != 0 && !results->isEmpty(); } bool SearchModel::hasResultsOnPage(DocumentView* view, int page) const { const Results* results = m_results.value(view, 0); return results != 0 && qBinaryFind(results->begin(), results->end(), page) != results->end(); } int SearchModel::numberOfResultsOnPage(DocumentView* view, int page) const { const Results* results = m_results.value(view, 0); if(results == 0) { return 0; } const Results::const_iterator pageBegin = qLowerBound(results->constBegin(), results->constEnd(), page); const Results::const_iterator pageEnd = qUpperBound(pageBegin, results->constEnd(), page); return pageEnd - pageBegin; } QList< QRectF > SearchModel::resultsOnPage(DocumentView* view, int page) const { QList< QRectF > resultsOnPage; const Results* results = m_results.value(view, 0); if(results != 0) { const Results::const_iterator pageBegin = qLowerBound(results->constBegin(), results->constEnd(), page); const Results::const_iterator pageEnd = qUpperBound(pageBegin, results->constEnd(), page); for(Results::const_iterator iterator = pageBegin; iterator != pageEnd; ++iterator) { resultsOnPage.append(iterator->second); } } return resultsOnPage; } QPersistentModelIndex SearchModel::findResult(DocumentView* view, const QPersistentModelIndex& currentResult, int currentPage, FindDirection direction) const { const Results* results = m_results.value(view, 0); if(results == 0 || results->isEmpty()) { return QPersistentModelIndex(); } const int rows = results->count(); int row; if(currentResult.isValid()) { switch(direction) { default: case FindNext: row = (currentResult.row() + 1) % rows; break; case FindPrevious: row = (currentResult.row() + rows - 1) % rows; break; } } else { switch(direction) { default: case FindNext: { Results::const_iterator lowerBound = qLowerBound(results->constBegin(), results->constEnd(), currentPage); row = (lowerBound - results->constBegin()) % rows; break; } case FindPrevious: { Results::const_iterator upperBound = qUpperBound(results->constBegin(), results->constEnd(), currentPage); row = ((upperBound - results->constBegin()) + rows - 1) % rows; break; } } } return createIndex(row, 0, view); } void SearchModel::insertResults(DocumentView* view, int page, const QList< QRectF >& resultsOnPage) { if(resultsOnPage.isEmpty()) { return; } const QModelIndex parent = findOrInsertView(view); Results* results = m_results.value(view); Results::iterator at = qLowerBound(results->begin(), results->end(), page); const int row = at - results->begin(); beginInsertRows(parent, row, row + resultsOnPage.size() - 1); for(int index = resultsOnPage.size() - 1; index >= 0; --index) { at = results->insert(at, qMakePair(page, resultsOnPage.at(index))); } endInsertRows(); } void SearchModel::clearResults(DocumentView* view) { foreach(const TextCacheKey& key, m_textWatchers.keys()) { if(key.first == view) { TextWatcher* watcher = m_textWatchers.take(key); watcher->cancel(); watcher->waitForFinished(); watcher->deleteLater(); } } foreach(const TextCacheKey& key, m_textCache.keys()) { if(key.first == view) { m_textCache.remove(key); } } const QList< DocumentView* >::iterator at = qBinaryFind(m_views.begin(), m_views.end(), view); const int row = at - m_views.begin(); if(at == m_views.end()) { return; } beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row); m_views.erase(at); delete m_results.take(view); endRemoveRows(); } void SearchModel::updateProgress(DocumentView* view) { QModelIndex index = findView(view); if(index.isValid()) { emit dataChanged(index, index); } } void SearchModel::on_fetchSurroundingText_finished() { TextWatcher* watcher = dynamic_cast< TextWatcher* >(sender()); if(watcher == 0 || watcher->isCanceled()) { return; } const TextJob job = watcher->result(); m_textWatchers.remove(job.key); watcher->deleteLater(); DocumentView* view = job.key.first; const Results* results = m_results.value(view, 0); if(results == 0) { return; } const int cost = job.object->first.length() + job.object->second.length(); m_textCache.insert(job.key, job.object, cost); emit dataChanged(createIndex(0, 0, view), createIndex(results->count() - 1, 0, view)); } SearchModel::SearchModel(QObject* parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent), m_views(), m_results(), m_textCache(1 << 16), m_textWatchers() { } QModelIndex SearchModel::findView(DocumentView *view) const { const QList< DocumentView* >::const_iterator at = qBinaryFind(m_views.constBegin(), m_views.constEnd(), view); const int row = at - m_views.constBegin(); if(at == m_views.constEnd()) { return QModelIndex(); } return createIndex(row, 0); } QModelIndex SearchModel::findOrInsertView(DocumentView* view) { QList< DocumentView* >::iterator at = qBinaryFind(m_views.begin(), m_views.end(), view); int row = at - m_views.begin(); if(at == m_views.end()) { at = qUpperBound(m_views.begin(), m_views.end(), view); row = at - m_views.begin(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row); m_views.insert(at, view); m_results.insert(view, new Results); endInsertRows(); } return createIndex(row, 0); } QString SearchModel::fetchMatchedText(DocumentView* view, const SearchModel::Result& result) const { const TextCacheObject* object = fetchText(view, result); return object != 0 ? object->first : QString(); } QString SearchModel::fetchSurroundingText(DocumentView* view, const Result& result) const { const TextCacheObject* object = fetchText(view, result); return object != 0 ? object->second : QString(); } const SearchModel::TextCacheObject* SearchModel::fetchText(DocumentView* view, const SearchModel::Result& result) const { const TextCacheKey key = textCacheKey(view, result); if(const TextCacheObject* object = m_textCache.object(key)) { return object; } if(m_textWatchers.size() < 20 && !m_textWatchers.contains(key)) { TextWatcher* watcher = new TextWatcher(); m_textWatchers.insert(key, watcher); connect(watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(on_fetchSurroundingText_finished())); watcher->setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(textJob, key, result)); } return 0; } inline SearchModel::TextCacheKey SearchModel::textCacheKey(DocumentView* view, const Result& result) { QByteArray key; QDataStream(&key, QIODevice::WriteOnly) << result.first << result.second; return qMakePair(view, key); } SearchModel::TextJob SearchModel::textJob(const TextCacheKey& key, const Result& result) { const QPair< QString, QString >& text = key.first->searchContext(result.first, result.second); return TextJob(key, new TextCacheObject(text)); } } // qpdfview