/* Copyright 2014 S. Razi Alavizadeh Copyright 2013-2014 Adam Reichold Copyright 2013 Alexander Volkov This file is part of qpdfview. The implementation is based on KDjVu by Pino Toscano. qpdfview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. qpdfview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with qpdfview. If not, see . */ #include "djvumodel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define LOCK_PAGE QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_parent->m_mutex); #define LOCK_DOCUMENT QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex); #if DDJVUAPI_VERSION < 23 #define LOCK_PAGE_GLOBAL QMutexLocker globalMutexLocker(m_parent->m_globalMutex); #define LOCK_DOCUMENT_GLOBAL QMutexLocker globalMutexLocker(m_globalMutex); #else #define LOCK_PAGE_GLOBAL #define LOCK_DOCUMENT_GLOBAL #endif // DDJVUAPI_VERSION namespace { using namespace qpdfview; using namespace qpdfview::Model; inline miniexp_t miniexp_cadddr(miniexp_t exp) { return miniexp_cadr(miniexp_cddr(exp)); } inline miniexp_t miniexp_caddddr(miniexp_t exp) { return miniexp_caddr(miniexp_cddr(exp)); } inline miniexp_t skip(miniexp_t exp, int offset) { while(offset-- > 0) { exp = miniexp_cdr(exp); } return exp; } void clearMessageQueue(ddjvu_context_t* context, bool wait) { if(wait) { ddjvu_message_wait(context); } while(true) { if(ddjvu_message_peek(context) != 0) { ddjvu_message_pop(context); } else { break; } } } void waitForMessageTag(ddjvu_context_t* context, ddjvu_message_tag_t tag) { ddjvu_message_wait(context); while(true) { ddjvu_message_t* message = ddjvu_message_peek(context); if(message != 0) { if(message->m_any.tag == tag) { break; } ddjvu_message_pop(context); } else { break; } } } QPainterPath loadLinkBoundary(const QString& type, miniexp_t boundaryExp, const QSizeF& size) { QPainterPath boundary; const int count = miniexp_length(boundaryExp); if(count == 4 && (type == QLatin1String("rect") || type == QLatin1String("oval"))) { QPoint p(miniexp_to_int(miniexp_car(boundaryExp)), miniexp_to_int(miniexp_cadr(boundaryExp))); QSize s(miniexp_to_int(miniexp_caddr(boundaryExp)), miniexp_to_int(miniexp_cadddr(boundaryExp))); p.setY(size.height() - s.height() - p.y()); const QRectF r(p, s); if(type == QLatin1String("rect")) { boundary.addRect(r); } else { boundary.addEllipse(r); } } else if(count > 0 && count % 2 == 0 && type == QLatin1String("poly")) { QPolygon polygon; for(int index = 0; index < count; index += 2) { QPoint p(miniexp_to_int(miniexp_nth(index, boundaryExp)), miniexp_to_int(miniexp_nth(index + 1, boundaryExp))); p.setY(size.height() - p.y()); polygon << p; } boundary.addPolygon(polygon); } return QTransform::fromScale(1.0 / size.width(), 1.0 / size.height()).map(boundary); } Link* loadLinkTarget(const QPainterPath& boundary, miniexp_t targetExp, int index, const QHash< QString, int >& indexByName) { QString target; if(miniexp_stringp(targetExp)) { target = QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_str(targetExp)); } else if(miniexp_length(targetExp) == 3 && qstrcmp(miniexp_to_name(miniexp_car(targetExp)), "url") == 0) { target = QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_str(miniexp_cadr(targetExp))); } if(target.isEmpty()) { return 0; } if(target.at(0) == QLatin1Char('#')) { target.remove(0, 1); bool ok = false; int targetPage = target.toInt(&ok); if(!ok) { if(indexByName.contains(target)) { targetPage = indexByName[target] + 1; } else { return 0; } } else { if(target.at(0) == QLatin1Char('+') || target.at(0) == QLatin1Char('-')) { targetPage += index + 1; } } return new Link(boundary, targetPage); } else { return new Link(boundary, target); } } QList< Link* > loadLinks(miniexp_t linkExp, const QSizeF& size, int index, const QHash< QString, int >& indexByName) { QList< Link* > links; for(miniexp_t linkItem = miniexp_nil; miniexp_consp(linkExp); linkExp = miniexp_cdr(linkExp)) { linkItem = miniexp_car(linkExp); if(miniexp_length(linkItem) < 4 || qstrcmp(miniexp_to_name(miniexp_car(linkItem)), "maparea") != 0) { continue; } miniexp_t targetExp = miniexp_cadr(linkItem); miniexp_t boundaryExp = miniexp_cadddr(linkItem); if(!miniexp_symbolp(miniexp_car(boundaryExp))) { continue; } const QString type = QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_name(miniexp_car(boundaryExp))); if(type == QLatin1String("rect") || type == QLatin1String("oval") || type == QLatin1String("poly")) { QPainterPath boundary = loadLinkBoundary(type, miniexp_cdr(boundaryExp), size); if(!boundary.isEmpty()) { Link* link = loadLinkTarget(boundary, targetExp, index, indexByName); if(link != 0) { links.append(link); } } } } return links; } QString loadText(miniexp_t textExp, const QSizeF& size, const QRectF& rect) { if(miniexp_length(textExp) < 6 && !miniexp_symbolp(miniexp_car(textExp))) { return QString(); } const int xmin = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_cadr(textExp)); const int ymin = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_caddr(textExp)); const int xmax = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_cadddr(textExp)); const int ymax = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_caddddr(textExp)); if(rect.intersects(QRect(xmin, size.height() - ymax, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin))) { const QString type = QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_name(miniexp_car(textExp))); if(type == QLatin1String("word")) { return QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_str(miniexp_nth(5, textExp))); } else { QStringList text; textExp = skip(textExp, 5); for(miniexp_t textItem = miniexp_nil; miniexp_consp(textExp); textExp = miniexp_cdr(textExp)) { textItem = miniexp_car(textExp); text.append(loadText(textItem, size, rect)); } return type == QLatin1String("line") ? text.join(" ") : text.join("\n"); } } return QString(); } QList< QRectF > findText(miniexp_t pageTextExp, const QSizeF& size, const QTransform& transform, const QStringList& words, bool matchCase, bool wholeWords) { if(words.isEmpty()) { return QList< QRectF >(); } const Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity = matchCase ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive; QRectF result; int wordIndex = 0; QList< miniexp_t > texts; QList< QRectF > results; texts.append(pageTextExp); while(!texts.isEmpty()) { miniexp_t textExp = texts.takeFirst(); if(miniexp_length(textExp) < 6 || !miniexp_symbolp(miniexp_car(textExp))) { continue; } const QString type = QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_name(miniexp_car(textExp))); if(type == QLatin1String("word")) { const QString text = QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_str(miniexp_nth(5, textExp))); int index = 0; while((index = text.indexOf(words.at(wordIndex), index, caseSensitivity)) != -1) { const int nextIndex = index + words.at(wordIndex).length(); const bool wordBegins = index == 0 || !text.at(index - 1).isLetterOrNumber(); const bool wordEnds = nextIndex == text.length() || !text.at(nextIndex).isLetterOrNumber(); if(!wholeWords || (wordBegins && wordEnds)) { const int xmin = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_cadr(textExp)); const int ymin = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_caddr(textExp)); const int xmax = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_cadddr(textExp)); const int ymax = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_caddddr(textExp)); result = result.united(QRectF(xmin, size.height() - ymax, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin)); // Advance after partial match if(++wordIndex == words.size()) { results.append(transform.mapRect(result)); // Reset after full match result = QRectF(); wordIndex = 0; } } else { // Reset after malformed match result = QRectF(); wordIndex = 0; } if((index = nextIndex) >= text.length()) { break; } } if(index < 0) { // Reset after empty match result = QRectF(); wordIndex = 0; } } else { textExp = skip(textExp, 5); for(miniexp_t textItem = miniexp_nil; miniexp_consp(textExp); textExp = miniexp_cdr(textExp)) { textItem = miniexp_car(textExp); texts.append(textItem); } } } return results; } void loadOutline(miniexp_t outlineExp, QStandardItem* parent, const QHash< QString, int >& indexByName) { for(miniexp_t outlineItem = miniexp_nil; miniexp_consp(outlineExp); outlineExp = miniexp_cdr(outlineExp)) { outlineItem = miniexp_car(outlineExp); if(miniexp_length(outlineItem) < 2 || !miniexp_stringp(miniexp_car(outlineItem)) || !miniexp_stringp(miniexp_cadr(outlineItem))) { continue; } const QString title = QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_str(miniexp_car(outlineItem))); QString destination = QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_str(miniexp_cadr(outlineItem))); if(!title.isEmpty() && !destination.isEmpty()) { if(destination.at(0) == QLatin1Char('#')) { destination.remove(0,1); bool ok = false; int destinationPage = destination.toInt(&ok); if(!ok) { if(indexByName.contains(destination)) { destinationPage = indexByName[destination] + 1; } else { continue; } } QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(title); item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable); item->setData(destinationPage, Document::PageRole); item->setData(qQNaN(), Document::LeftRole); item->setData(qQNaN(), Document::TopRole); QStandardItem* pageItem = item->clone(); pageItem->setText(QString::number(destinationPage)); pageItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); parent->appendRow(QList< QStandardItem* >() << item << pageItem); if(miniexp_length(outlineItem) > 2) { loadOutline(skip(outlineItem, 2), item, indexByName); } } } } } void loadProperties(miniexp_t annoExp, QStandardItemModel* model) { for(miniexp_t annoItem = miniexp_nil; miniexp_consp(annoExp); annoExp = miniexp_cdr(annoExp)) { annoItem = miniexp_car(annoExp); if(miniexp_length(annoItem) < 2 || qstrcmp(miniexp_to_name(miniexp_car(annoItem)), "metadata") != 0) { continue; } annoItem = miniexp_cdr(annoItem); for(miniexp_t keyValueItem = miniexp_nil; miniexp_consp(annoItem); annoItem = miniexp_cdr(annoItem)) { keyValueItem = miniexp_car(annoItem); if(miniexp_length(keyValueItem) != 2) { continue; } const QString key = QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_name(miniexp_car(keyValueItem))); const QString value = QString::fromUtf8(miniexp_to_str(miniexp_cadr(keyValueItem))); if(!key.isEmpty() && !value.isEmpty()) { model->appendRow(QList< QStandardItem* >() << new QStandardItem(key) << new QStandardItem(value)); } } } } } // anonymous namespace qpdfview { namespace Model { DjVuPage::DjVuPage(const DjVuDocument* parent, int index, const ddjvu_pageinfo_t& pageinfo) : m_parent(parent), m_index(index), m_size(pageinfo.width, pageinfo.height), m_resolution(pageinfo.dpi) { } DjVuPage::~DjVuPage() { } QSizeF DjVuPage::size() const { return 72.0 / m_resolution * m_size; } QImage DjVuPage::render(qreal horizontalResolution, qreal verticalResolution, Rotation rotation, const QRect& boundingRect) const { LOCK_PAGE ddjvu_page_t* page = ddjvu_page_create_by_pageno(m_parent->m_document, m_index); if(page == 0) { return QImage(); } ddjvu_status_t status; while(true) { status = ddjvu_page_decoding_status(page); if(status < DDJVU_JOB_OK) { clearMessageQueue(m_parent->m_context, true); } else { break; } } if(status >= DDJVU_JOB_FAILED) { ddjvu_page_release(page); return QImage(); } switch(rotation) { default: case RotateBy0: ddjvu_page_set_rotation(page, DDJVU_ROTATE_0); break; case RotateBy90: ddjvu_page_set_rotation(page, DDJVU_ROTATE_270); break; case RotateBy180: ddjvu_page_set_rotation(page, DDJVU_ROTATE_180); break; case RotateBy270: ddjvu_page_set_rotation(page, DDJVU_ROTATE_90); break; } ddjvu_rect_t pagerect; pagerect.x = 0; pagerect.y = 0; switch(rotation) { default: case RotateBy0: case RotateBy180: pagerect.w = qRound(horizontalResolution / m_resolution * m_size.width()); pagerect.h = qRound(verticalResolution / m_resolution * m_size.height()); break; case RotateBy90: case RotateBy270: pagerect.w = qRound(horizontalResolution / m_resolution * m_size.height()); pagerect.h = qRound(verticalResolution / m_resolution * m_size.width()); break; } ddjvu_rect_t renderrect; if(boundingRect.isNull()) { renderrect.x = pagerect.x; renderrect.y = pagerect.y; renderrect.w = pagerect.w; renderrect.h = pagerect.h; } else { renderrect.x = boundingRect.x(); renderrect.y = boundingRect.y(); renderrect.w = boundingRect.width(); renderrect.h = boundingRect.height(); } QImage image(renderrect.w, renderrect.h, QImage::Format_RGB32); if(!ddjvu_page_render(page, DDJVU_RENDER_COLOR, &pagerect, &renderrect, m_parent->m_format, image.bytesPerLine(), reinterpret_cast< char* >(image.bits()))) { image = QImage(); } clearMessageQueue(m_parent->m_context, false); ddjvu_page_release(page); return image; } QList< Link* > DjVuPage::links() const { LOCK_PAGE miniexp_t pageAnnoExp = miniexp_nil; { LOCK_PAGE_GLOBAL while(true) { pageAnnoExp = ddjvu_document_get_pageanno(m_parent->m_document, m_index); if(pageAnnoExp == miniexp_dummy) { clearMessageQueue(m_parent->m_context, true); } else { break; } } } const QList< Link* > links = loadLinks(pageAnnoExp, m_size, m_index, m_parent->m_indexByName); { LOCK_PAGE_GLOBAL ddjvu_miniexp_release(m_parent->m_document, pageAnnoExp); } return links; } QString DjVuPage::text(const QRectF& rect) const { LOCK_PAGE miniexp_t pageTextExp = miniexp_nil; { LOCK_PAGE_GLOBAL while(true) { pageTextExp = ddjvu_document_get_pagetext(m_parent->m_document, m_index, "word"); if(pageTextExp == miniexp_dummy) { clearMessageQueue(m_parent->m_context, true); } else { break; } } } const QTransform transform = QTransform::fromScale(m_resolution / 72.0, m_resolution / 72.0); const QString text = loadText(pageTextExp, m_size, transform.mapRect(rect)).simplified(); { LOCK_PAGE_GLOBAL ddjvu_miniexp_release(m_parent->m_document, pageTextExp); } return text.simplified(); } QList< QRectF > DjVuPage::search(const QString& text, bool matchCase, bool wholeWords) const { LOCK_PAGE miniexp_t pageTextExp = miniexp_nil; { LOCK_PAGE_GLOBAL while(true) { pageTextExp = ddjvu_document_get_pagetext(m_parent->m_document, m_index, "word"); if(pageTextExp == miniexp_dummy) { clearMessageQueue(m_parent->m_context, true); } else { break; } } } const QTransform transform = QTransform::fromScale(72.0 / m_resolution, 72.0 / m_resolution); const QStringList words = text.split(QRegExp(QLatin1String("\\W+")), QString::SkipEmptyParts); const QList< QRectF > results = findText(pageTextExp, m_size, transform, words, matchCase, wholeWords); { LOCK_PAGE_GLOBAL ddjvu_miniexp_release(m_parent->m_document, pageTextExp); } return results; } DjVuDocument::DjVuDocument(QMutex* globalMutex, ddjvu_context_t* context, ddjvu_document_t* document) : m_mutex(), m_globalMutex(globalMutex), m_context(context), m_document(document), m_format(0), m_indexByName() { unsigned int mask[] = {0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000}; m_format = ddjvu_format_create(DDJVU_FORMAT_RGBMASK32, 4, mask); ddjvu_format_set_row_order(m_format, 1); ddjvu_format_set_y_direction(m_format, 1); prepareIndexByName(); } DjVuDocument::~DjVuDocument() { ddjvu_document_release(m_document); ddjvu_context_release(m_context); ddjvu_format_release(m_format); } int DjVuDocument::numberOfPages() const { LOCK_DOCUMENT return ddjvu_document_get_pagenum(m_document); } Page* DjVuDocument::page(int index) const { LOCK_DOCUMENT ddjvu_status_t status; ddjvu_pageinfo_t pageinfo; while(true) { status = ddjvu_document_get_pageinfo(m_document, index, &pageinfo); if(status < DDJVU_JOB_OK) { clearMessageQueue(m_context, true); } else { break; } } if(status >= DDJVU_JOB_FAILED) { return 0; } return new DjVuPage(this, index, pageinfo); } QStringList DjVuDocument::saveFilter() const { return QStringList() << QLatin1String("DjVu (*.djvu *.djv)"); } bool DjVuDocument::canSave() const { return true; } bool DjVuDocument::save(const QString& filePath, bool withChanges) const { Q_UNUSED(withChanges); LOCK_DOCUMENT #ifdef _MSC_VER FILE* file = _wfopen(reinterpret_cast< const wchar_t* >(filePath.utf16()), L"w+"); #else FILE* file = fopen(QFile::encodeName(filePath), "w+"); #endif // _MSC_VER if(file == 0) { return false; } ddjvu_job_t* job = ddjvu_document_save(m_document, file, 0, 0); while(!ddjvu_job_done(job)) { clearMessageQueue(m_context, true); } fclose(file); return !ddjvu_job_error(job); } void DjVuDocument::loadOutline(QStandardItemModel* outlineModel) const { Document::loadOutline(outlineModel); LOCK_DOCUMENT miniexp_t outlineExp = miniexp_nil; { LOCK_DOCUMENT_GLOBAL while(true) { outlineExp = ddjvu_document_get_outline(m_document); if(outlineExp == miniexp_dummy) { clearMessageQueue(m_context, true); } else { break; } } } if(miniexp_length(outlineExp) < 2 || qstrcmp(miniexp_to_name(miniexp_car(outlineExp)), "bookmarks") != 0) { return; } ::loadOutline(skip(outlineExp, 1), outlineModel->invisibleRootItem(), m_indexByName); { LOCK_DOCUMENT_GLOBAL ddjvu_miniexp_release(m_document, outlineExp); } } void DjVuDocument::loadProperties(QStandardItemModel* propertiesModel) const { Document::loadProperties(propertiesModel); LOCK_DOCUMENT miniexp_t annoExp = miniexp_nil; { LOCK_DOCUMENT_GLOBAL while(true) { annoExp = ddjvu_document_get_anno(m_document, TRUE); if(annoExp == miniexp_dummy) { clearMessageQueue(m_context, true); } else { break; } } } ::loadProperties(annoExp, propertiesModel); { LOCK_DOCUMENT_GLOBAL ddjvu_miniexp_release(m_document, annoExp); } } void DjVuDocument::prepareIndexByName() { for(int index = 0, count = ddjvu_document_get_filenum(m_document); index < count; ++index) { ddjvu_fileinfo_t fileinfo; if(ddjvu_document_get_fileinfo(m_document, index, &fileinfo) != DDJVU_JOB_OK || fileinfo.type != 'P') { continue; } m_indexByName[QString::fromUtf8(fileinfo.id)] = m_indexByName[QString::fromUtf8(fileinfo.name)] = m_indexByName[QString::fromUtf8(fileinfo.title)] = fileinfo.pageno; } } } // Model DjVuPlugin::DjVuPlugin(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), m_globalMutex() { setObjectName("DjVuPlugin"); } Model::Document* DjVuPlugin::loadDocument(const QString& filePath) const { ddjvu_context_t* context = ddjvu_context_create("qpdfview"); if(context == 0) { return 0; } #if DDJVUAPI_VERSION >= 19 ddjvu_document_t* document = ddjvu_document_create_by_filename_utf8(context, filePath.toUtf8(), FALSE); #else ddjvu_document_t* document = ddjvu_document_create_by_filename(context, QFile::encodeName(filePath), FALSE); #endif // DDJVUAPI_VERSION if(document == 0) { ddjvu_context_release(context); return 0; } waitForMessageTag(context, DDJVU_DOCINFO); if(ddjvu_document_decoding_error(document)) { ddjvu_document_release(document); ddjvu_context_release(context); return 0; } return new Model::DjVuDocument(&m_globalMutex, context, document); } } // qpdfview #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(qpdfview_djvu, qpdfview::DjVuPlugin) #endif // QT_VERSION