== Encryption and Decryption test == * Encryption process on Android {{{ ConfigManager.init("jar://jdigidoc.cfg"); Log.d("despues de:", "ConfigManager.init"); /** signed doc object if used */ SignedDoc m_sdoc; m_sdoc = null; /** encrypted data object if used */ EncryptedData m_cdoc; m_cdoc = null; String inFile = null, outFile = null; String certFile = null; String recipient = null; String keyName = null; String carriedKeyName = null; String sId = null; inFile = str; outFile = "cifrado.cdoc"; certFile = "/mnt/sdcard/chespirito.crt"; // agregar el destinatario try { if (m_cdoc == null){ Log.d("m_cdoc == null", "-"); m_cdoc = new EncryptedData(null, null, null, EncryptedData.DENC_XMLNS_XMLENC, EncryptedData.DENC_ENC_METHOD_AES128); } Log.d("Adding recipient", certFile); X509Certificate recvCert = SignedDoc.readCertificate(new File(certFile)); if (recvCert != null && recipient == null) recipient = SignedDoc.getCommonName(recvCert.getSubjectDN().getName()); Log.d("Recipient", recipient); if (sId == null){ int n = m_cdoc.getNumKeys() + 1; sId = "ID" + n; } EncryptedKey ekey = new EncryptedKey(sId, recipient, EncryptedData.DENC_ENC_METHOD_RSA1_5, keyName, carriedKeyName, recvCert); m_cdoc.addEncryptedKey(ekey); }catch(Exception e){ Log.d("Error adding EncryptedKey: ", e.getMessage()); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } // ejecutar el cifrado try { Log.d("Encrypting file:", inFile + " to: " + outFile); File fIn = new File(inFile); // create a ddoc intermediate file m_sdoc = new SignedDoc(SignedDoc.FORMAT_DIGIDOC_XML, SignedDoc.VERSION_1_3); Log.d("Encrypting file:", "paso new SignedDoc"); DataFile df = m_sdoc.addDataFile(new File(inFile), SignedDoc.xmlns_digidoc13, DataFile.CONTENT_EMBEDDED_BASE64); Log.d("Encrypting file:", "paso addDataFile"); byte[] data = SignedDoc.readFile(new File(inFile)); Log.d("Encrypting file:", "paso readFile"); df.setBase64Body(data); Log.d("Encrypting file:", "paso setBase64Body"); byte[] inData = m_sdoc.toXML().getBytes("UTF-8"); Log.d("Encrypting file:", "paso toXML()"); Log.d("Encrypting file", "Content: " + inFile + " size: " + data.length); Log.d("Encrypting file", "DF: " + new String(inData)); m_cdoc.setData(inData); m_cdoc.setDataStatus(EncryptedData.DENC_DATA_STATUS_UNENCRYPTED_AND_NOT_COMPRESSED); m_cdoc.addProperty(EncryptedData.ENCPROP_FILENAME, inFile + ".ddoc"); m_cdoc.setMimeType(EncryptedData.DENC_ENCDATA_TYPE_DDOC); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(fIn.getName()); sb.append("|"); sb.append(new Long(fIn.length()).toString() + " B|"); sb.append("application/unknown|"); sb.append("/" + fIn.getName()); m_cdoc.addProperty(EncryptedData.ENCPROP_ORIG_FILE, sb.toString()); //m_cdoc.addProperty(EncryptedData.ENCPROP_ORIG_SIZE, new Long(inData.length).toString()); int nCompressOption = 0; m_cdoc.encrypt(nCompressOption); // genera el archivo cifrado en /data/data/ve.gob.cenditel/files FileOutputStream fos = openFileOutput(outFile, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); Log.d("Encrypting file", "antes de escribir archivo " + outFile); fos.write(m_cdoc.toXML()); Log.d("Encrypting file", "despues de escribir archivo " + outFile); fos.close(); Log.d("Encrypting file", "despues de cerrar archivo " + outFile); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Cifrado correctamente: " + outFile, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } catch(Exception e) { Log.d("Error encrypting file: ", inFile + " - " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(System.err); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }}} * Decryption process with jdigidocutil (encrypted file through Android) {{{ aaraujo@moe:~/desarrollo/andriod/pruebas/jdigidoc-3.7/jdigidoc$ java -jar jdigidocutil-\$\{version\}.jar -cdoc-in /tmp/cifrado.cdoc -cdoc-decrypt-pkcs12-sk ~/desarrollo/chespirito.p12 chespirito PKCS12 /tmp/salida.pdf JDigiDoc - Reading config file: jar://jdigidoc.cfg Reading encrypted file: /tmp/cifrado.cdoc Decrypting to: /tmp/salida.pdf Using recipient: 0 SAXDigiDocFactory::readSignedDocOfType Start reading ddoc/bdoc from file: /tmp/salida.pdf Start Element: SignedDoc lname: uri: Start Element: DataFile lname: uri: Start collecting digest Allocating buf: 122556 Element: DataFile lname: uri: Attr: ContentType ='EMBEDDED_BASE64' Attr: Filename ='LSMDFE.pdf' Attr: Id ='D0' Attr: MimeType ='http://www.sk.ee/DigiDoc/v1.3.0#' Attr: Size ='61278' Attr: xmlns ='http://www.sk.ee/DigiDoc/v1.3.0#' Canonicalized: '' End Element: DataFile collect: 1 Digest: D0 - 5hmr2x1Q4PKrjbmkWy7K+jzYL/o= size: 61278 End Element: SignedDoc collect: 0 JDigiDoc end, time: 3 sec result: success }}} == An example of a file without xmlns prefix == {{{ MIIFLDCCAxSgAwIBAgIBCTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBqjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVkUx DzANBgNVBAgTBk1lcmlkYTEPMA0GA1UEBxMGTWVyaWRhMREwDwYDVQQKEwhDRU5E SVRFTDEOMAwGA1UECxMFR0lEU0kxLjAsBgNVBAMMJUF1dG9yaWRhZCBkZSBDZXJ0 aWZpY2FjacOzbiBkZWwgR0lEU0kxJjAkBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWF2FjZ2lkc2lAY2Vu ZGl0ZWwuZ29iLnZlMB4XDTEyMDQyNjE2MDUwMFoXDTEzMDQyNjE2MDUwMFowgZYx CzAJBgNVBAYTAk1YMRIwEAYDVQQIEwlNb250ZXJyZXkxEDAOBgNVBAcTB0phbGlz Y28xETAPBgNVBAoTCENFTkRJVEVMMQ4wDAYDVQQLEwVHSURTSTETMBEGA1UEAxMK Q2hlc3Bpcml0bzEpMCcGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYaY2hlc3Bpcml0b0BjZW5kaXRlbC5n b2IudmUwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDNWsKCFNPW4Cxq qduuzbMODqUbt7uSAxdnyLTpZ6P8cfwnberSzq/8X2kKTpuzScb2L4+0I4GxAaqu td80XJInKBtcTqYpzMpb3HlPbEUr1l+BbkUQ4Jn4CnE60UNY9d4ebTEOyV4LcuRZ /fjnapeFppWYrJ5kOjtRCGlbSl8azP4NCMhh6alrhW2JMwV6AmvQTgk2m8tzIDzO fM9YcHuqU31ly2vzLbj+xc+oSevUftwdoEtU6bogCrXuDnBsEmPNqUacDk+o1zj8 vmWXYByTudsfKcG1zqwHtSOcK3neb9XU8gNCLPsZpNnG2tGT3FfUZTn7zi6YRcD2 OFJZ4rClAgMBAAGjbzBtMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgTwMBEGCWCG SAGG+EIBAQQEAwIFoDAeBglghkgBhvhCAQ0EERYPeGNhIGNlcnRpZmljYXRlMB0G A1UdDgQWBBRhVVfxfHWbQhFkC0qK0wkyonrTaTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAgEA Xq9j6jVCt7zdwv0AAUpSdQtMR7bMnUvy3eu+C7omW/SZxrg4EYYgn0iI+rgj9A+O 0R0QcG4TgM5dnUtWae4PKqQEUH8tbc8jvERlD0gxXGDWU3KEXJ0UBDgmwr57eI9B sOSG4Y4rKB/PEsrLUpODfY+rxDDPoU+R+8FdBzUl3QLsgAWPHkbWDLM7xpmMJiMx umTckoGn8riv1FvJ16t4UJYqIsETdRpoIr51yQ0m+mzfKji/cgpo6HFG2f0BmC+G G7ma1PWl2Liaf9Y8J+kmqp9aX1JHcAX7H7tpgC9KUxcmdWrzORaLjNTz2KjgcoWj o/TWoQDH6vNXCZq5bInmvn4BARNAxaZQMEkp3K6uKlgHJwKfHwsxf68xnC9InMV+ mfQWA1Ls3UbHm6gZjDxQL4a8y6NCB66RbYBFJRWh56aY/FxEbZ4gNwkFiEZO3Yxg hv21gJyBvh89l2uExyOZn4WJUrTBYlb348o4G9ZvXA3kfklG3B+rz+24qLS5iWm4 bsEkQg0nnuQmB1CTJTSavjbmzZ4gDavCdgXVHmeeLYoNLb1YUMSDt1pENCJ8BZR0 n4dQDUQiP8dIqmpoGK9R1wasxijb99QnQXDr++55nATijn1qcssqYV2c4R1b5Gri 0GlIiOlnCN9r1us1Icr+9vU4Z3qao4okTSQrVjSm/og=lJmQmmDM4t4/OE5qWMU/tLZhqTIKKBcunHAYP4TIoLJEtuMWX/j8ALUhQxoEgLQm 2lr7kCKxOmoMuiJqTPEwLg/5KFgm+1oBdP131sM8dYH3DC/3s82O5tyijpg1K7wW i0Mp9dduIqlq+x1pdMZlTA76I3q+/gi29e8FNgDaSYToNTuD2xAXjeUDQrkDTjMR kk6gzwQkQgwPDIbblSZtIuL+JbLDsoP9sYiSrQXUh1M2cSsOp7bfURCmXHDUv1GD 3ZtvwkFvJRJuFKkbEmn/xn4qHvP/GGDTJWLM145IX8O1eGLY1vJAe/vnYXx3UWHW us62TufDpDgv3I0Knx8xOA==Mg++HduoRKVYMHCOqF9U0QexO+73b++b8/0uZuO3VUXitSMGW1TxcnzSHRr6eJER 9R/Mp7eoBkNi0eBoISIzTigpgHrMwJcEzcXhQPxfNsLrrTsuTHO60douVNbXzxvg hR4dv1Dd3QZDAe6xK/COEQKukiRbVlys3i6B9427yFnAHs5Y3d8vLMbHdpeu3W8x Pw/N3QPWgtoSujsdQ8y6u/ZFnyxFaUbIgNFdC7vhY/xAhSRE7mTHalvm8s45xjIZ 8eX7pyxK56KjtBIjZWw8ZPjFBZEOh33tfefXBycUOz6MUni/9zdgmF2HjfYiATkx affu3uaKYBKjz6QXcB/rJFKbJPMa8TyDZ+Sm4eq9gfDOkrJy3rLjm14s4722BUfM zecLg01zDa40p5iTutQZsRODbRznwQ+/swe27xhUrbZj5Gk86w+OP/hLN2YEsrjw BkFsJD4Z1+aBFrvlk9bSrHIFvBqB+PnrxENObF3M2m8p9anZzNdfXA/mRobHfvG3 6J+tTDMA4sBJyhOd+NgRBcZdSQB/CF8dmma2gZL+vGIsPwfKiambiRs2Vzm0tKMx c1F/13tUQ71qmjVgKGDR9yx59JKD3OxYw3N3TQFUmoCc59U+4djWFUt/A3OQTC48 pSGfKNodGEChFtR/ks8Vbq1vqAP0fs9WEXs1XctqZjIaR9TG7NJoP4Y/i+Ldu+jB zuikaV0uXmrNOtK27Z0IZS1reOPoe9496VxMHFX+fTrUF7yb877AyCSPAENHVCrY inU4cItIyKmbly0001VaAmOgiTI1jfF4nIJp6yG5CJydet0/p5kPkXi7hpX4iBzH uuUnBvvZdcUz7oSssiea/GBNxus2B+EdFI2LeE8Tg67SKSQUD/CpgdOdj6x8n7gv FgULByAM3Rv2NUfNBIug9dQPY99tqYt3FYTgonethmB2h89q1YnYbKoeLXnrIQRx dSq8CXBcdREHC3zsmqXv4cjkrqVQiz6CeGPMyzJbeXJDo0ZtiZWBf1x7TOSI8FfY wWS3FMgIoEUCh0+ZtwI9fK9HJn5BqtCRVHXc5OmJli81sPmMUkgvwGvaSNodPv40 /5Tour5aPwXMaMJB8XTKmxK7xrxkMGCGiC6R0q9B6R4VDsj/nevqKpRAQGEF7+G3 SyLrLRSruZ30WhszIgBrsSgiH8VoiZHLKUOdHgW0kAO7S+3q2UlDAxAidgCgTD5S eqeYjBImf2dTQ+B6fokeqfzZ1sbFEdjDnv+YjAY5i2aNIhqzlbE4cX7JgNu497Bn lzOI27UB51ExbyJ68Lvm0K3yKpyMn8KgS0haYkWIGAl2Q7u1wKd2skyW6eKbQ66y aZu+oouotxMAMLco6dL/gjezTpiCWUILomYi4Ud6Hmk6ExmqAjccNziQueBEHT07 OMet5nWv2D4KVVh9+2+gZw==JDigiDoc||1.0/mnt/sdcard/holamundo.txt.ddocholamundo.txt|1382 B|application/unknown|/holamundo.txt2194http://www.sk.ee/DigiDoc/v1.3.0/digidoc.xsd }}} == java.security.InvalidKeyException: Key length not 128/192/256 bits == {{{ ... 06-19 11:26:29.627: D/dalvikvm(13190): GC_CONCURRENT freed 980K, 52% free 3441K/7047K, external 2058K/2137K, paused 3ms+3ms 06-19 11:26:30.967: I/System.out(13190): EncryptedData.java: decryptPkcs12 Decrypting key: 0 with token: 0 06-19 11:26:30.967: I/System.out(13190): loading key: Chespirito passwd-len: 10 06-19 11:26:30.967: I/System.out(13190): Key: OK, algorithm: RSA 06-19 11:26:31.217: I/System.out(13190): Decrypted len: 255 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): decryptWithKey: Decrypting 57728 using iv 16 left: 57712 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 0 = 2 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 1 = -64 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 2 = -79 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 3 = 95 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 4 = -17 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 5 = 96 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 6 = 60 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 7 = 116 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 8 = 102 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 9 = 114 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 10 = -77 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 11 = 106 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 12 = 21 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 13 = -111 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 14 = 42 06-19 11:26:31.227: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 15 = 27 06-19 11:26:31.257: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 16 = -57 06-19 11:26:31.257: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 17 = 22 06-19 11:26:31.267: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 18 = -10 06-19 11:26:31.267: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 19 = 34 06-19 11:26:31.277: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 20 = -71 06-19 11:26:31.277: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 21 = -98 06-19 11:26:31.277: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 22 = -61 06-19 11:26:31.277: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 23 = -3 06-19 11:26:31.277: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 24 = -9 06-19 11:26:31.300: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 25 = 125 06-19 11:26:31.300: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 26 = -93 06-19 11:26:31.308: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 27 = 73 06-19 11:26:31.308: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 28 = 81 06-19 11:26:31.308: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 29 = 11 06-19 11:26:31.308: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 30 = -97 06-19 11:26:31.308: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 31 = 99 06-19 11:26:31.308: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 32 = 93 06-19 11:26:31.308: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 33 = -81 06-19 11:26:31.308: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 34 = -36 06-19 11:26:31.308: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 35 = 51 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 36 = 99 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 37 = 11 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 38 = -14 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 39 = -120 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 40 = 8 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 41 = -117 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 42 = 91 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 43 = 16 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 44 = 54 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 45 = -5 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 46 = 24 06-19 11:26:31.317: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 47 = -80 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 48 = 69 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 49 = 80 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 50 = -1 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 51 = 7 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 52 = -78 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 53 = 22 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 54 = 124 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 55 = -15 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 56 = -128 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 57 = 75 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 58 = 73 06-19 11:26:31.327: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 59 = -32 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 60 = -46 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 61 = -103 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 62 = 67 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 63 = 115 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 64 = 108 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 65 = 119 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 66 = -96 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 67 = 23 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 68 = 98 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 69 = 44 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 70 = 9 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 71 = -113 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 72 = 86 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 73 = -91 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 74 = 121 06-19 11:26:31.337: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 75 = -56 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 76 = 59 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 77 = 105 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 78 = 119 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 79 = -107 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 80 = 60 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 81 = -111 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 82 = 88 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 83 = -68 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 84 = -42 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 85 = -28 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 86 = -14 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 87 = -113 06-19 11:26:31.347: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 88 = -97 06-19 11:26:31.357: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 89 = -112 06-19 11:26:31.357: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 90 = 53 06-19 11:26:31.357: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 91 = 112 06-19 11:26:31.357: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 92 = 120 06-19 11:26:31.357: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 93 = 126 06-19 11:26:31.357: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 94 = 92 06-19 11:26:31.357: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 95 = -84 06-19 11:26:31.368: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 96 = -46 06-19 11:26:31.368: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 97 = 22 06-19 11:26:31.368: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 98 = -1 06-19 11:26:31.376: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 99 = -104 06-19 11:26:31.376: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 100 = 4 06-19 11:26:31.376: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 101 = -82 06-19 11:26:31.376: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 102 = -9 06-19 11:26:31.376: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 103 = 41 06-19 11:26:31.376: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 104 = -77 06-19 11:26:31.376: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 105 = -37 06-19 11:26:31.387: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 106 = -122 06-19 11:26:31.387: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 107 = 9 06-19 11:26:31.387: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 108 = -110 06-19 11:26:31.387: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 109 = -84 06-19 11:26:31.387: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 110 = -105 06-19 11:26:31.387: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 111 = 19 06-19 11:26:31.387: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 112 = -25 06-19 11:26:31.387: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 113 = -97 06-19 11:26:31.397: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 114 = -25 06-19 11:26:31.397: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 115 = 20 06-19 11:26:31.397: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 116 = 14 06-19 11:26:31.397: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 117 = 11 06-19 11:26:31.397: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 118 = 35 06-19 11:26:31.397: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 119 = 41 06-19 11:26:31.407: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 120 = 13 06-19 11:26:31.407: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 121 = -19 06-19 11:26:31.407: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 122 = 72 06-19 11:26:31.407: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 123 = -93 06-19 11:26:31.407: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 124 = -125 06-19 11:26:31.407: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 125 = 92 06-19 11:26:31.407: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 126 = 120 06-19 11:26:31.407: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 127 = 75 06-19 11:26:31.407: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 128 = 107 06-19 11:26:31.416: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 129 = -2 06-19 11:26:31.416: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 130 = 89 06-19 11:26:31.427: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 131 = -108 06-19 11:26:31.427: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 132 = 9 06-19 11:26:31.427: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 133 = 101 06-19 11:26:31.427: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 134 = 66 06-19 11:26:31.427: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 135 = -22 06-19 11:26:31.427: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 136 = 40 06-19 11:26:31.427: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 137 = 109 06-19 11:26:31.427: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 138 = -5 06-19 11:26:31.427: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 139 = -91 06-19 11:26:31.427: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 140 = -117 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 141 = -12 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 142 = 82 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 143 = -68 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 144 = 23 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 145 = -125 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 146 = 112 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 147 = -117 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 148 = -69 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 149 = 65 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 150 = -26 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 151 = 110 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 152 = -31 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 153 = -59 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 154 = 2 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 155 = -11 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 156 = 21 06-19 11:26:31.437: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 157 = -69 06-19 11:26:31.447: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 158 = -48 06-19 11:26:31.447: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 159 = 107 06-19 11:26:31.447: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 160 = -108 06-19 11:26:31.447: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 161 = -13 06-19 11:26:31.457: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 162 = -3 06-19 11:26:31.457: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 163 = 126 06-19 11:26:31.457: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 164 = -5 06-19 11:26:31.457: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 165 = 53 06-19 11:26:31.457: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 166 = 116 06-19 11:26:31.457: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 167 = -127 06-19 11:26:31.457: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 168 = -6 06-19 11:26:31.457: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 169 = 26 06-19 11:26:31.457: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 170 = 38 06-19 11:26:31.467: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 171 = 27 06-19 11:26:31.467: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 172 = -76 06-19 11:26:31.467: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 173 = -122 06-19 11:26:31.467: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 174 = -111 06-19 11:26:31.467: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 175 = -9 06-19 11:26:31.467: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 176 = -83 06-19 11:26:31.467: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 177 = -95 06-19 11:26:31.467: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 178 = -120 06-19 11:26:31.467: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 179 = -1 06-19 11:26:31.477: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 180 = 118 06-19 11:26:31.477: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 181 = 34 06-19 11:26:31.477: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 182 = -108 06-19 11:26:31.477: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 183 = -107 06-19 11:26:31.477: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 184 = -85 06-19 11:26:31.477: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 185 = 97 06-19 11:26:31.477: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 186 = 110 06-19 11:26:31.477: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 187 = 109 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 188 = 92 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 189 = 105 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 190 = 121 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 191 = -75 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 192 = 27 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 193 = -56 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 194 = -100 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 195 = 20 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 196 = 32 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 197 = 11 06-19 11:26:31.487: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 198 = -31 06-19 11:26:31.497: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 199 = 14 06-19 11:26:31.497: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 200 = -99 06-19 11:26:31.497: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 201 = -72 06-19 11:26:31.497: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 202 = -94 06-19 11:26:31.497: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 203 = -81 06-19 11:26:31.497: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 204 = -40 06-19 11:26:31.497: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 205 = -12 06-19 11:26:31.497: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 206 = -121 06-19 11:26:31.497: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 207 = 106 06-19 11:26:31.497: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 208 = -43 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 209 = 91 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 210 = 39 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 211 = -110 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 212 = 53 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 213 = -65 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 214 = -48 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 215 = 125 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 216 = 33 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 217 = -24 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 218 = -69 06-19 11:26:31.507: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 219 = 99 06-19 11:26:31.518: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 220 = 97 06-19 11:26:31.518: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 221 = -44 06-19 11:26:31.518: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 222 = 83 06-19 11:26:31.518: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 223 = -57 06-19 11:26:31.518: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 224 = 58 06-19 11:26:31.518: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 225 = 44 06-19 11:26:31.518: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 226 = -12 06-19 11:26:31.518: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 227 = 94 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 228 = -81 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 229 = 98 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 230 = 105 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 231 = 73 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 232 = -52 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 233 = -18 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 234 = -46 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 235 = 109 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 236 = -92 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 237 = -45 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 238 = 0 06-19 11:26:31.527: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 239 = 63 06-19 11:26:31.537: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 240 = -71 06-19 11:26:31.537: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 241 = -81 06-19 11:26:31.537: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 242 = 85 06-19 11:26:31.537: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 243 = -26 06-19 11:26:31.537: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 244 = -53 06-19 11:26:31.537: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 245 = -9 06-19 11:26:31.537: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 246 = -106 06-19 11:26:31.537: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 247 = 20 06-19 11:26:31.547: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 248 = -88 06-19 11:26:31.547: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 249 = 51 06-19 11:26:31.547: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 250 = 33 06-19 11:26:31.547: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 251 = 53 06-19 11:26:31.547: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 252 = -111 06-19 11:26:31.547: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 253 = 17 06-19 11:26:31.557: I/System.out(13190): deckey pos: 254 = 82 06-19 11:26:31.557: I/System.out(13190): *-*-*- Longitud de byte clave de transporte: 255 06-19 11:26:31.557: I/System.out(13190): antes de getCipher(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, m_transportKey, ivdata) 06-19 11:26:31.577: W/System.err(13190): ERROR: decrypting file: ERROR: 111 - ERROR: 111ee.sk.digidoc.DigiDocException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.577: W/System.err(13190): ERROR: 111 - ERROR: 111ee.sk.digidoc.DigiDocException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.577: W/System.err(13190): ERROR: 112 - ERROR: 112java.security.InvalidKeyException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.577: W/System.err(13190): java.security.InvalidKeyException: Key length not 128/192/256 bits. 06-19 11:26:31.577: D/ERROR: decrypting file:(13190): ERROR: 111ee.sk.digidoc.DigiDocException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.577: D/ERROR: decrypting file:(13190): ERROR: 111 - ERROR: 111ee.sk.digidoc.DigiDocException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.577: D/ERROR: decrypting file:(13190): ERROR: 112 - ERROR: 112java.security.InvalidKeyException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.577: D/ERROR: decrypting file:(13190): java.security.InvalidKeyException: Key length not 128/192/256 bits. 06-19 11:26:31.587: W/System.err(13190): ERROR: 111 - ERROR: 111ee.sk.digidoc.DigiDocException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.587: W/System.err(13190): ERROR: 111 - ERROR: 111ee.sk.digidoc.DigiDocException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.597: W/System.err(13190): ERROR: 112 - ERROR: 112java.security.InvalidKeyException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.597: W/System.err(13190): java.security.InvalidKeyException: Key length not 128/192/256 bits. 06-19 11:26:31.597: W/System.err(13190): ERROR: 111 - ERROR: 111ee.sk.digidoc.DigiDocException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.597: W/System.err(13190): ERROR: 112 - ERROR: 112java.security.InvalidKeyException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.597: W/System.err(13190): java.security.InvalidKeyException: Key length not 128/192/256 bits. 06-19 11:26:31.597: W/System.err(13190): ERROR: 112 - ERROR: 112java.security.InvalidKeyException; nested exception is: 06-19 11:26:31.607: W/System.err(13190): java.security.InvalidKeyException: Key length not 128/192/256 bits. 06-19 11:26:31.607: W/System.err(13190): java.security.InvalidKeyException: Key length not 128/192/256 bits. 06-19 11:26:31.607: W/System.err(13190): at org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.JCEBlockCipher.engineInit(JCEBlockCipher.java:584) 06-19 11:26:31.607: W/System.err(13190): at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(Cipher.java:607) 06-19 11:26:31.607: W/System.err(13190): at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(Cipher.java:557) 06-19 11:26:31.607: W/System.err(13190): at ee.sk.xmlenc.EncryptedData.getCipher(EncryptedData.java:1000) 06-19 11:26:31.607: W/System.err(13190): at ee.sk.xmlenc.EncryptedData.decryptWithKey(EncryptedData.java:1325) 06-19 11:26:31.617: W/System.err(13190): at ee.sk.xmlenc.EncryptedData.decryptPkcs12(EncryptedData.java:1194) 06-19 11:26:31.617: W/System.err(13190): at ve.gob.cenditel.tibisay.MainActivity.decryptFile(MainActivity.java:578) 06-19 11:26:31.617: W/System.err(13190): at ve.gob.cenditel.tibisay.MainActivity.onActivityResult(MainActivity.java:244) 06-19 11:26:31.617: W/System.err(13190): at android.app.Activity.dispatchActivityResult(Activity.java:3908) 06-19 11:26:31.617: W/System.err(13190): at android.app.ActivityThread.deliverResults(ActivityThread.java:2528) 06-19 11:26:31.617: W/System.err(13190): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleSendResult(ActivityThread.java:2574) 06-19 11:26:31.617: W/System.err(13190): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$2000(ActivityThread.java:117) 06-19 11:26:31.617: W/System.err(13190): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:961) 06-19 11:26:31.617: W/System.err(13190): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 06-19 11:26:31.627: W/System.err(13190): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123) 06-19 11:26:31.627: W/System.err(13190): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3683) 06-19 11:26:31.627: W/System.err(13190): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 06-19 11:26:31.627: W/System.err(13190): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507) 06-19 11:26:31.637: W/System.err(13190): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:839) 06-19 11:26:31.637: W/System.err(13190): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:597) 06-19 11:26:31.637: W/System.err(13190): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 06-19 11:31:23.467: D/SntpClient(61): request time failed: java.net.SocketException: Address family not supported by protocol }}}