Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of revisionHerramientas:encryption

Jun 19, 2013, 3:10:10 PM (11 years ago)



  • revisionHerramientas:encryption

    v3 v4  
     544== Decrypting file with jdigidocutil ==
     548aaraujo@moe:~/desarrollo/andriod/pruebas/jdigidoc-3.7/jdigidoc$ !326
     549java -jar jdigidocutil-\$\{version\}.jar -cdoc-in /tmp/cifrado.cdoc -cdoc-decrypt-pkcs12-sk ~/desarrollo/chespirito.p12 chespirito PKCS12 /tmp/salida.pdf
     550JDigiDoc -
     551Reading config file: jar://jdigidoc.cfg
     552Reading encrypted file: /tmp/cifrado.cdoc
     553OUT: readEncryptedData String: antes de factory.newSAXParser()
     554OUT: readEncryptedData String: despues de factory.newSAXParser()
     555OUT: readEncryptedData String: despues de new FileInputStream(fileName)
     556OUT: readEncryptedData String: despues de parse()
     557Decrypting to: /tmp/salida.pdf
     558Load store: /home/aaraujo/desarrollo/chespirito.p12 type: PKCS12
     559Using recipient: 0
     560Load store: /home/aaraujo/desarrollo/chespirito.p12 type: PKCS12 decryptPkcs12 Decrypting key: 0 with token: 0
     562loading key: chespirito passwd-len: 10
     563Key: OK, algorithm: RSA
     564Decrypted len: 16
     565decryptWithKey: Decrypting 57728 using iv 16 left: 57712
     566deckey pos: 0 = 14
     567deckey pos: 1 = -26
     568deckey pos: 2 = 78
     569deckey pos: 3 = 33
     570deckey pos: 4 = -51
     571deckey pos: 5 = -116
     572deckey pos: 6 = 82
     573deckey pos: 7 = 3
     574deckey pos: 8 = 20
     575deckey pos: 9 = -40
     576deckey pos: 10 = -23
     577deckey pos: 11 = -42
     578deckey pos: 12 = 27
     579deckey pos: 13 = -58
     580deckey pos: 14 = -88
     581deckey pos: 15 = 0
     582*-*-*- Longitud de byte clave de transporte: 16
     583antes de getCipher(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, m_transportKey, ivdata) Cipher: AES/CBC/NOPadding provider: BC
     585decryptWithKey: Decrypting: 57728 bytes
     586*** antes de cipher.doFinal()
     587*** despues de cipher.doFinal()
     588Decrypted data: 57712 bytes
     589byte at: 57696 = 16
     590byte at: 57697 = 16
     591byte at: 57698 = 16
     592byte at: 57699 = 16
     593byte at: 57700 = 16
     594byte at: 57701 = 16
     595byte at: 57702 = 16
     596byte at: 57703 = 16
     597byte at: 57704 = 16
     598byte at: 57705 = 16
     599byte at: 57706 = 16
     600byte at: 57707 = 16
     601byte at: 57708 = 16
     602byte at: 57709 = 16
     603byte at: 57710 = 16
     604byte at: 57711 = 16
     605decryptWithKey: Decrypted data: 57712 bytes
     606byte at: 57696 = 16
     607byte at: 57697 = 16
     608byte at: 57698 = 16
     609byte at: 57699 = 16
     610byte at: 57700 = 16
     611byte at: 57701 = 16
     612byte at: 57702 = 16
     613byte at: 57703 = 16
     614byte at: 57704 = 16
     615byte at: 57705 = 16
     616byte at: 57706 = 16
     617byte at: 57707 = 16
     618byte at: 57708 = 16
     619byte at: 57709 = 16
     620byte at: 57710 = 16
     621byte at: 57711 = 16
     622decryptWithKey: Decrypted: 57712 bytes, check padding: 16
     623Checking padding: 16 bytes
     624Removing padding: 16 bytes
     625Checking padding: 4 bytes
     626Removing padding: 4 bytes
     627Decompressed: 83300 bytes
     629Start reading ddoc/bdoc from file: /tmp/salida.pdf
     630Start Element: SignedDoc lname:  uri:
     631Start Element: DataFile lname:  uri:
     632Start collecting digest
     633Allocating buf: 122556 Element: DataFile lname:  uri:
     634Attr: ContentType ='EMBEDDED_BASE64'
     635Attr: Filename ='LSMDFE.pdf'
     636Attr: Id ='D0'
     637Attr: MimeType =''
     638Attr: Size ='61278'
     639Attr: xmlns =''
     640Canonicalized: '<DataFile xmlns="" ContentType="EMBEDDED_BASE64" Filename="LSMDFE.pdf" Id="D0" MimeType="" Size="61278">'
     641End Element: DataFile collect: 1
     642Digest: D0 - 5hmr2x1Q4PKrjbmkWy7K+jzYL/o= size: 61278
     643End Element: SignedDoc collect: 0
     644JDigiDoc end, time: 2 sec result: success