source: dispositivos_moviles/TibisayMovil/bin/R.txt @ 064d990

Last change on this file since 064d990 was 064d990, checked in by Antonio Araujo Brett <aaraujo@…>, 11 years ago

Agregados archivos para definir clase e interfaz gráfica para mostrar información asociada a una firma electrónica sobre un contenedor BDOC.

  • Property mode set to 100644
File size: 11.6 KB
1int color actionbar_text 0x7f050001
2int color black 0x7f050002
3int color gris1 0x7f050003
4int color titletextcolor 0x7f050000
5int color white 0x7f050004
6int dimen activity_horizontal_margin 0x7f060000
7int dimen activity_vertical_margin 0x7f060001
8int drawable aboutmobilesign 0x7f020000
9int drawable anadir_certificados 0x7f020001
10int drawable background_header 0x7f020002
11int drawable background_item 0x7f020003
12int drawable background_item_green 0x7f020004
13int drawable background_lower_menu 0x7f020005
14int drawable background_tab_disabled 0x7f020006
15int drawable background_tab_enabled 0x7f020007
16int drawable background_upper_title 0x7f020008
17int drawable bg_capture_img_canvas 0x7f020009
18int drawable bg_header 0x7f02000a
19int drawable bg_path_file_to_sign 0x7f02000b
20int drawable bg_title_bar 0x7f02000c
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22int drawable blue_button_pressed 0x7f02000e
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27int drawable divider_vertical 0x7f020013
28int drawable eliminar_certificados 0x7f020014
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31int drawable flecha_siguiente 0x7f020017
32int drawable folder 0x7f020018
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42int drawable ic_limpiar 0x7f020022
43int drawable ic_limpiar_blanco 0x7f020023
44int drawable ic_management 0x7f020024
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47int drawable ic_pluma 0x7f020027
48int drawable ic_retroceder 0x7f020028
49int drawable ic_secure 0x7f020029
50int drawable ic_share 0x7f02002a
51int drawable ic_verify 0x7f02002b
52int drawable ico_acercade 0x7f02002c
53int drawable ico_archivo 0x7f02002d
54int drawable ico_carpeta 0x7f02002e
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56int drawable ico_certificado_novalido 0x7f020030
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58int drawable ico_certificado_validado 0x7f020032
59int drawable ico_configuracion 0x7f020033
60int drawable ico_firmar_archivo 0x7f020034
61int drawable ico_firmar_archivo_blanco_off 0x7f020035
62int drawable ico_firmar_archivo_blanco_on 0x7f020036
63int drawable ico_firmar_archivo_negro_on 0x7f020037
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65int drawable ico_historial_off 0x7f020039
66int drawable ico_historial_on 0x7f02003a
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68int drawable ico_instalar_certificado_on 0x7f02003c
69int drawable ico_limpiar 0x7f02003d
70int drawable ico_seleccionar_todo 0x7f02003e
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73int drawable icono_app 0x7f020041
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75int drawable lower_green_disabled 0x7f020043
76int drawable lower_green_pressed 0x7f020044
77int drawable lower_grey 0x7f020045
78int drawable lower_grey_disabled 0x7f020046
79int drawable lower_grey_pressed 0x7f020047
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81int drawable selector 0x7f020049
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83int drawable volver_crear_almacen 0x7f02004b
84int id ImageView01 0x7f0a0055
85int id action_settings 0x7f0a0056
86int id archivo_firmado 0x7f0a002f
87int id archivo_firmado_path 0x7f0a0030
88int id archivo_para_firmar 0x7f0a002b
89int id archivo_para_firmar_path 0x7f0a002c
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93int id button_accept_zone 0x7f0a0006
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97int id button_cancel_zone 0x7f0a0000
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99int id button_clear_text 0x7f0a0005
100int id button_clear_zone 0x7f0a0003
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102int id button_finish 0x7f0a000a
103int id button_finish_text 0x7f0a000b
104int id button_finish_zone 0x7f0a0009
105int id button_open 0x7f0a0044
106int id button_share 0x7f0a000d
107int id button_share_text 0x7f0a000e
108int id button_share_zone 0x7f0a000c
109int id cert_chooser 0x7f0a0048
110int id cert_chooser_install_button 0x7f0a0042
111int id cert_description 0x7f0a0047
112int id certificate_issuer 0x7f0a003d
113int id certificate_serial 0x7f0a0038
114int id certificate_valid_from 0x7f0a0011
115int id certificate_valid_until 0x7f0a003b
116int id change_password 0x7f0a0045
117int id documents_list 0x7f0a003e
118int id file_checkbox 0x7f0a004a
119int id file_list 0x7f0a0019
120int id file_radio 0x7f0a004c
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122int id filename_modified 0x7f0a004b
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129int id label_certificate_serial 0x7f0a0037
130int id label_certificate_valid_from 0x7f0a0039
131int id label_certificate_valid_until 0x7f0a003a
132int id layoutSignerDetails 0x7f0a0032
133int id linearLayout 0x7f0a0013
134int id linearLayout1 0x7f0a000f
135int id linearLayoutWrapper 0x7f0a0012
136int id linearSpacingBottom 0x7f0a0014
137int id linearSpacingTop 0x7f0a0010
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141int id path 0x7f0a0018
142int id pathstring 0x7f0a0017
143int id sel_sign_rel_layout 0x7f0a001b
144int id sign_description 0x7f0a0016
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146int id signatures_list 0x7f0a003f
147int id signer_data 0x7f0a0052
148int id signer_detail_cn 0x7f0a0033
149int id signer_detail_role 0x7f0a0034
150int id signer_modified 0x7f0a0054
151int id signer_text 0x7f0a0053
152int id tableRow1 0x7f0a001d
153int id tableRow2 0x7f0a0021
154int id tableRow3 0x7f0a0025
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163int id textView31 0x7f0a0026
164int id textView32 0x7f0a0027
165int id textView33 0x7f0a0028
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167int id title_certificate_info 0x7f0a0036
168int id title_signature_date_info 0x7f0a0035
169int id title_signer_info 0x7f0a0031
170int id type_image 0x7f0a0040
171int layout actionbar_capture_img_handwritten_signature 0x7f030000
172int layout actionbar_main 0x7f030001
173int layout actionbar_select_sign_ubication_handwritten_signature 0x7f030002
174int layout actionbar_sign_result_handwritten_signature 0x7f030003
175int layout activity_bdocverify_result 0x7f030004
176int layout activity_capture_img_handwritten_signature 0x7f030005
177int layout activity_file_to_sign_handwritten_signature 0x7f030006
178int layout activity_file_to_verify_bdoc 0x7f030007
179int layout activity_main 0x7f030008
180int layout activity_select_sign_ubication_handwritten_signature 0x7f030009
181int layout activity_sign_result_handwritten_signature 0x7f03000a
182int layout activity_signer_info 0x7f03000b
183int layout activity_verify_result_bdoc 0x7f03000c
184int layout cert_browser_item 0x7f03000d
185int layout certificate_buttons 0x7f03000e
186int layout certificate_chooser 0x7f03000f
187int layout document_inside_bdoc_item 0x7f030010
188int layout file_to_sign_handwritten_signature_item 0x7f030011
189int layout file_to_verify_bdoc_signature_item 0x7f030012
190int layout list_item 0x7f030013
191int layout main 0x7f030014
192int layout progress_dialog 0x7f030015
193int layout signer_inside_bdoc_item 0x7f030016
194int layout single_file_browser 0x7f030017
195int layout title_bar 0x7f030018
196int menu activity_signer_info 0x7f090000
197int menu bdocverify_result 0x7f090001
198int menu main 0x7f090002
199int plurals number_imported_certificates 0x7f070000
200int string action_settings 0x7f040002
201int string app_name 0x7f040001
202int string certificados 0x7f040044
203int string certificate_password 0x7f040010
204int string certificatedescription 0x7f040015
205int string certificates_menu 0x7f04001f
206int string change_password 0x7f04000c
207int string cifrar 0x7f040040
208int string compartir 0x7f040042
209int string compartir_b 0x7f040043
210int string confirmation 0x7f04000f
211int string confirmationdescription 0x7f040019
212int string continuar 0x7f04003e
213int string delete 0x7f04001e
214int string descifrar 0x7f040041
215int string error_lectura 0x7f040038
216int string error_no_space 0x7f040007
217int string error_reading_p12 0x7f040012
218int string external_dir 0x7f040016
219int string external_dir_files 0x7f040017
220int string extracted_dir_files 0x7f04004a
221int string finalizar 0x7f04003d
222int string firma_guardada 0x7f040036
223int string firmar 0x7f040027
224int string firmar_abajo 0x7f04002f
225int string firmar_elec_pdf 0x7f04002a
226int string firmar_man_arch_firm 0x7f040030
227int string firmar_man_arch_para_firm 0x7f040031
228int string firmar_man_capt_img 0x7f04002c
229int string firmar_man_exist_img 0x7f04002d
230int string firmar_man_img_path 0x7f040032
231int string firmar_man_pdf 0x7f040028
232int string firmar_man_prefer_img 0x7f04002e
233int string firmar_man_seleccione_archivo 0x7f040029
234int string firmar_man_ubicacion 0x7f040033
235int string firmar_pkcs7 0x7f04002b
236int string hello 0x7f040000
237int string hello_world 0x7f040003
238int string incorrect_password 0x7f04000e
239int string install_new_cert_button_label 0x7f040014
240int string install_new_cert_message 0x7f040013
241int string installdescription 0x7f040023
242int string keystore_create_password 0x7f040005
243int string keystore_new_password 0x7f04000d
244int string keystore_password 0x7f040006
245int string label_certificate_issuer 0x7f040054
246int string label_certificate_serial 0x7f040051
247int string label_certificate_valid_from 0x7f040052
248int string label_certificate_valid_until 0x7f040053
249int string limpiar 0x7f04003b
250int string limpiar_seleccion 0x7f040035
251int string modified 0x7f04001b
252int string num_pagina_firmar 0x7f040037
253int string open_it_using 0x7f04004b
254int string open_keychain 0x7f04001c
255int string password 0x7f040009
256int string password_change_success 0x7f040011
257int string pathstring 0x7f040018
258int string por_favor_epsere 0x7f04003a
259int string preference_image 0x7f040020
260int string preference_position 0x7f040021
261int string preference_position_summary 0x7f040022
262int string recreate_keystore 0x7f04000a
263int string recreate_keystore_confirmation 0x7f04000b
264int string retroceder 0x7f04003c
265int string sel_sign_area 0x7f040034
266int string seleccione_opcion 0x7f040025
267int string seleccione_opcion_firmar_man_img 0x7f040026
268int string selectall 0x7f04001d
269int string selectcertificatedescription 0x7f04001a
270int string share_it_using 0x7f04004c
271int string signature_date_info 0x7f04004e
272int string signature_directory 0x7f040008
273int string text1 0x7f040004
274int string title_activity_activity_signer_info 0x7f040050
275int string title_activity_bdocverify_result 0x7f040049
276int string title_certificate_info 0x7f04004f
277int string title_progress_file_read 0x7f040039
278int string title_signer_info 0x7f04004d
279int string type 0x7f040024
280int string verificar 0x7f04003f
281int string verificar_seleccione_archivo 0x7f040045
282int string verificar_titulo_firmae 0x7f040046
283int string verificar_titulo_lista_docs 0x7f040047
284int string verificar_titulo_lista_firmantes 0x7f040048
285int style AppBaseTheme 0x7f08000f
286int style AppTheme 0x7f080010
287int style WindowTitleBackground 0x7f08000d
288int style style_actionbar 0x7f080000
289int style style_description 0x7f080001
290int style style_font_date 0x7f080007
291int style style_font_files 0x7f080006
292int style style_font_general 0x7f080002
293int style style_font_header 0x7f080003
294int style style_font_main_list 0x7f08000b
295int style style_font_section 0x7f080004
296int style style_font_section_big 0x7f080005
297int style style_font_tab 0x7f080008
298int style style_font_tab_disabled 0x7f080009
299int style style_font_titles 0x7f08000a
300int style style_listviews 0x7f08000c
301int style style_path_file_browser 0x7f08000e
302int style tibisayTheme 0x7f080011
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.