******************************************************************************* 02/04/14 Se comienza a utilizar la plantilla de libro modificada por rsumoza. Se mantiene la estructura de directorios con archivos separados por capítulos. Lo que se muestra a continuación se quitó del archivo compilacion.tex por ser externo. \part[Submicron Semiconductor Manufacture] {Submicron Semiconductor\\ Manufacture} \chapter[The Submicrometer Silicon MOSFET] {The Submicrometer\\ Silicon MOSFET} \prologue{The sheer volumne of answers can often stifle insight...The purpose of computing\index{computing!the purpose} is insight, not numbers.} {Hamming \cite{hamming}} \section{Here is a normal section} Here is some text. \subsection{This is the subsection} Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. \subsubsection{This is the subsubsection} Here is some text after the subsubsection. Here is some text after the subsubsection. Here is some text after the subsubsection. Here is some text after the subsubsection. \paragraph{This is the paragraph} Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. \section{Tips On Special Section Heads} Here are some things you can do for a special section head. \section[This Version of Section Head will be sent Contents] {Break Long Section heads\\ with double backslash} Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. \section[This show how to explicitly break lines \string\hfill\string\break\space in Table of Contents] {Here is a Section Title} See this section head for information on how to explicitly break lines in table of contents. \section{How to get \lowercase{lower case} in section head: \lowercase{$p$}$H$} Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. Here is some normal text. \section{How to use a macro that has both upper and lower case parts: \copy\sectsavebox} See the top of this file where the definition and box were set. %% Sending different version of section to running head, %% so that the size of math is correct in running head: \markright{Sample macro \VT{\lowercase{xyz}} sent to running head} \section{Equation} For optimal vertical spacing, no blank lines before or after equations \begin{equation} \alpha\beta\Gamma\Delta \end{equation} as you see here. \chapter{First Edited Book Sample Chapter Title} \chapterauthors{G. Alvarez and R. K. Watts \chapteraffil{Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania} } \section{Here is a normal section} Here is some text. \chapter{Second Edited Book Sample Chapter Title} \chapterauthors{George Smeal, Ph.D.\affilmark{1}, Sally Smith, M.D.\affilmark{2} and Stanley Kubrick\affilmark{1} \chapteraffil{\affilmark{1}AT\&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey\\ \affilmark{2}Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts} } \section{Sample Section} Here is some sample text. \newpage \section{Example, Figure and Tables} \vskip6pt \begin{example}[Optional Example Name] Use Black's law [Equation (6.3)] to estimate the reduction in useful product life if a metal line is initially run at 55$^\circ$C at a maximum line current density. \end{example} \begin{figure}[ht] illustration here %\centerline{\includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{filename}} \caption{Short figure caption.} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \vskip2pt \caption{Oscillograph for memory address access operations, showing 500 ps address access time and superimposed signals of address access in 1 kbit memory plane.} \end{figure} \begin{table}[ht] \caption{Small Table} \centering \begin{tabular}{cccc} \hline one&two&three&four\\ \hline C&D&E&F\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \begin{table}[ht] \caption{Effects of the two types of $\alpha\beta\sum^A_B$ scaling proposed by Dennard \newline and co-workers$^{a,b}$} \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}lcc} \hline Parameter& $\kappa$ Scaling & $\kappa$, $\lambda$ Scaling\cr \hline Dimension&$\kappa^{-1}$&$\lambda^{-1}$\cr Voltage&$\kappa^{-1}$&$\kappa^{-1}$\cr Currant&$\kappa^{-1}$&$\lambda/\kappa^{2}$\cr Dopant Concentration&$\kappa$&$\lambda^2/\kappa$\cr \hline \end{tabular*} \begin{tablenotes} $^a$Refs.~19 and 20. $^b\kappa, \lambda>1$. \end{tablenotes} \end{table} \subsection{Side by Side Tables and Figures} \begin{figure}[ht] \sidebyside{ Space for figure... \caption{This caption will go on the left side of the page. It is the initial caption of two side-by-side captions.} } { Space for second figure... \caption{This caption will go on the right side of the page. It is the second of two side-by-side captions.} } \end{figure} The command \verb+\sidebyside{}{}+ works similarly for tables: \begin{table}[ht] \sidebyside{ \caption{Table Caption} \begin{tabular}{cccc} one&two&three&four\\ a &little&sample&table \end{tabular} } { \caption{Table Caption} \begin{tabular}{cccc} A&B&C&D\\ a &second little& sample&table \end{tabular} } \end{table} When using \verb+\sidebyside+, one must use the cross referencing command \verb+\label{}+ after and {\it outside} of \verb+\caption{}+: \begin{verbatim} \begin{table} \sidebyside{\caption{Table Caption}\label{tab1} first table} {\caption{Table Caption}\label{tab2} second table} \end{table} \end{verbatim} or, \begin{verbatim} \begin{figure} \sidebyside{\vskip\caption{fig caption}\label{fig1}} {\vskip\caption{fig caption}\label{fig2}} \end{figure} \end{verbatim} \section{Algorithm} This is a sample algorithm. \begin{algorithm} {\bf state\_transition algorithm} $\{$ \ for each neuron $j\in\{0,1,\ldots,M-1\}$ \ $\{$ \ calculate the weighted sum $S_j$ using Eq. (6); \ if ($S_j>t_j$) \ $\{$turn ON neuron; $Y_1=+1\}$ \ else if ($S_j.idx %% %% 3. On command line, type makeindx which %% will produce .ind %% %% 4. Type \printindex to make the index appear in your book. %% %% 5. If you would like to edit .ind %% you may do so. See docs.pdf for more information. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Making Multiple Indices %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% 1. %% \usepackage{multind} %% \makeindex{book} %% \makeindex{authors} %% \begin{document} %% %% 2. %% % add index terms to your book, ie, %% \index{book}{A term to go to the topic index} %% \index{authors}{Put this author in the author index} %% %% \index{book}{Cows} %% \index{book}{Cows!Jersey} %% \index{book}{Cows!Jersey!Brown} %% %% \index{author}{Douglas Adams} %% \index{author}{Boethius} %% \index{author}{Mark Twain} %% %% 3. On command line type %% makeindex topic %% makeindex authors %% %% 4. %% this is a Wiley command to make the indices print: %% \multiprintindex{book}{Topic index} %% \multiprintindex{authors}{Author index} ******************************************************************************* Este directorio mantiene archivos utilizados en el proceso de maquetación del libro de seguridad.