var __PDF_DOC, __CURRENT_PAGE, __TOTAL_PAGES, __PAGE_RENDERING_IN_PROGRESS = 0, __CANVAS = $('#pdf-canvas').get(0), __CANVAS_CTX = __CANVAS.getContext('2d'), __id = "", __NUMBER = 0; function cropperrr(){ console.log("siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"); $("#img-1").cropper({ aspectRatio: 16 / 9, done: function (data) { console.log(data); $('#dataX').val(parseInt(data['x'])); $('#dataY').val(parseInt(data['y'])); $('#dataWidth').val(parseInt(data['width'])); $('#dataHeight').val(parseInt(data['height'])); }, }); return true } function file(){ if ($("#file-to-upload").get(0).files[0]=== undefined ){ console.log("siiiiiiiiiiifdfdsfds"); __NUMBER += 1; }else{ console.log("noooo"); } return __NUMBER; } $("#pdf-canvas").hide(); function showPDF(pdf_url) { $("#pdf-loader").show(); PDFJS.getDocument({ url: pdf_url }).then(function(pdf_doc) { __PDF_DOC = pdf_doc; __TOTAL_PAGES = __PDF_DOC.numPages; // Hide the pdf loader and show pdf container in HTML $("#pdf-loader").hide(); $("#pdf-contents").show(); $("#pdf-total-pages").text(__TOTAL_PAGES); // Show the showPage(1); }).catch(function(error) { // If error re-show the upload button $("#pdf-loader").hide(); $("#upload-button").show(); alert(error.message); });; } function showPage(page_no) { __PAGE_RENDERING_IN_PROGRESS = 1; __CURRENT_PAGE = page_no; // Disable Prev & Next buttons while page is being loaded $("#pdf-next, #pdf-prev").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // While page is being rendered hide the canvas and show a loading message $("#pdf-canvas").hide(); $("#page-loader").show(); // Update current page in HTML $("#pdf-current-page").text(page_no); $("#pagepdf").val(page_no); // Fetch the page __PDF_DOC.getPage(page_no).then(function(page) { // As the canvas is of a fixed width we need to set the scale of the viewport accordingly var scale_required = __CANVAS.width / page.getViewport(1).width; // Get viewport of the page at required scale var viewport = page.getViewport(scale_required); // Set canvas height __CANVAS.height = viewport.height; var renderContext = { canvasContext: __CANVAS_CTX, viewport: viewport }; // Render the page contents in the canvas page.render(renderContext).then(function() { __PAGE_RENDERING_IN_PROGRESS = 0; // Re-enable Prev & Next buttons $("#pdf-next, #pdf-prev").removeAttr('disabled'); // Show the canvas and hide the page loader $("#pdf-canvas").hide(); $("#page-loader").hide(); __id = __CANVAS.toDataURL() $("#img-1").attr('src', __id); cropperrr(); $('.cropper-container img').attr('src', __id)[0]; $('.cropper-container img').attr('src', __id)[1]; }); }); } // Upon click this should should trigger click on the #file-to-upload file input element // This is better than showing the not-good-looking file input element $("#upload-button").on('click', function() { //$("#img").removeAttr('src'); //$("#img").removeAttr('class'); //$(".cropper-container").remove(); $("#file-to-upload").trigger('click'); }); // When user chooses a PDF file $("#file-to-upload").on('change', function() { var a = file(); console.log(a); // Validate whether PDF if(['application/pdf'].indexOf($("#file-to-upload").get(0).files[0].type) == -1) { alert('Error : Not a PDF'); return; } // Send the object url of the pdf showPDF(URL.createObjectURL($("#file-to-upload").get(0).files[0])); }); // Previous page of the PDF $("#pdf-prev").on('click', function() { if(__CURRENT_PAGE != 1) showPage(--__CURRENT_PAGE); }); // Next page of the PDF $("#pdf-next").on('click', function() { if(__CURRENT_PAGE != __TOTAL_PAGES) showPage(++__CURRENT_PAGE); });