<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> Signing demo

Digital signing in web browser (Plug-in version: ; plug-in type: ; library version: )
2.1 Select language for the plug-in:
3 Read the signer's certificate from signing token by calling out method getCertificate(successCallback, failureCallback) and return the result to the web application:

Get certificate

The chosen certificate (in HEX format):
6 Sign the hash value by calling out sign(id, hash, successCallback, failureCallback) method, return the signature value to the web application.

Certificate's ID:
Hash to be signed
(in HEX format;
SHA-1 - 20 bytes,
SHA-224 - 28 bytes,
SHA-256 - 32 bytes,
SHA-512 - 64 bytes)
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