#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include #include #include "polynomial.h" #include "executionresult.h" bool identicalFiles(QString f1, QString f2){ QCryptographicHash hash1( QCryptographicHash::Sha1 ); QCryptographicHash hash2( QCryptographicHash::Sha1 ); QFile file1( f1 ); if ( file1.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { hash1.addData( file1.readAll() ); } else { // Handle "cannot open file" error } QFile file2( f2 ); if ( file2.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { hash2.addData( file2.readAll() ); } else { // Handle "cannot open file" error } if (hash1.result() == hash2.result()){ qDebug(" hash1.result() == hash2.result()"); return true; } else{ qDebug(" diferentes"); return false; } // Retrieve the SHA1 signature of the file //QByteArray sig = hash.result(); } using namespace std; using namespace pol; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); //return a.exec(); int invalidCount = 0; int validCount = 0; if (argc > 0 && argv) { try { hash_nm::precalc_mul_table(); QTime timer; QHash results; int keyTime = 0; int encryptionTime = 0; int decryptionTime = 0; // repeticiones //for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++){ while ( true ) { FILE *fout = fopen("encryptedMessage", "wb"); File in("message.txt", READ); pol_t kx = get_rand_pol(KEY_DEG, false); pol_t ky = get_rand_pol(KEY_DEG, false); // generacion de clave? timer.start(); pol3v_t D = get_open_key(kx, ky); keyTime = timer.elapsed(); //gets the runtime in ms // cifrado timer.start(); encrypt(in, fout, D); encryptionTime = timer.elapsed(); //gets the runtime in ms fclose(fout); in.~File(); FILE *fin = fopen("encryptedMessage", "rb"); File out("decryptedMessage.txt", WRITE); // descifrado timer.start(); decrypt(fin, out, kx, ky); decryptionTime = timer.elapsed(); //gets the runtime in ms fclose(fin); out.close(); // verificacion if (identicalFiles("message.txt", "decryptedMessage.txt")){ validCount++; ExecutionResult * execution = new ExecutionResult(keyTime, encryptionTime, decryptionTime); results.insert(validCount, execution); } else{ invalidCount++; } //validCount++; if (validCount == 1){ qDebug("generar archivo..."); // generar registros en archivo de texto QString fileName = "registro-"; fileName.append(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd.MM.yy.hh.mm.ss")); fileName.append(".txt"); QFile registerFile(fileName); if (registerFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { QTextStream out(®isterFile); //out << "Result: " << qSetFieldWidth(10) << left << 3.14 << 2.7; // writes "Result: 3.14 2.7 " QString line; for (int j = 1; j <= validCount; j++){ ExecutionResult * x = results.value(j); int k = x->getKeyGenerationTime(); //qDebug("k: %d",k); int e = x->getEncryptionTime(); //qDebug("e: %d",e); int d = x->getDecryptionTime(); //qDebug("d: %d",d); line = QString::number(k) + " " + QString::number(e) + " " + QString::number(d); //qDebug(qPrintable(line)); out << line; line.clear(); } } break; } } /* pol_t kx = get_rand_pol(KEY_DEG, false); pol_t ky = get_rand_pol(KEY_DEG, false); QTime timer; timer.start(); // generacion de clave? pol3v_t D = get_open_key(kx, ky); int runtime = timer.elapsed(); //gets the runtime in ms qDebug(qPrintable("key generation: "+QString::number(runtime)+" ms")); timer.start(); encrypt(in, fout, D); runtime = timer.elapsed(); //gets the runtime in ms qDebug(qPrintable("encryption duration: "+QString::number(runtime)+" ms")); fclose(fout); in.~File(); FILE *fin = fopen("encryptedMessage", "rb"); File out("decryptedMessage.txt", WRITE); timer.start(); decrypt(fin, out, kx, ky); runtime = timer.elapsed(); //gets the runtime in ms qDebug(qPrintable("decryption duration: "+QString::number(runtime)+" ms")); fclose(fin); out.close(); */ } catch (char *str) { printf("exception"); cout << str << endl; qDebug("catch"); scanf("\n"); } } qDebug("invalidCount %d", invalidCount); qDebug("salida."); return 0; }