// polynomial.cpp #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include "polynomial.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace pol; u61_t::u61_t(u64_t x): data(x % MOD) { } inline u61_t::operator pol::u64_t() const { return data; } inline u61_t u61_t::operator+(const u61_t &x) const { return (data + x.data) % MOD; } inline u61_t u61_t::operator-(const u61_t &x) const { return (data + MOD - x.data) % MOD; } u61_t u61_t::operator*(const u61_t &x) const { //#pragma warning(push) //#pragma warning(disable:4127) if (BUFSIZE > 4) { //#pragma warning(pop) u64_t h1 = data >> 32, h2 = x.data >> 32, l1 = data & M32, l2 = x.data & M32; u64_t bot = l1 * l2; u64_t mid = h1 * l2 + h2 * l1 + (bot >> 32); bot = (mid << 32) + (bot & M32); u64_t top = ((h1 * h2 + (mid >> 32)) << (64 - MODSIZE)) + (bot >> MODSIZE); return (top + (bot & MOD)) % MOD; } else { return data * x.data % MOD; } } u61_t u61_t::operator/(const u61_t &x) const { return *this * (x.inverse()); } u61_t u61_t::inverse() const { if (!data) { throw "Invalid inverse\n"; } u64_t a = MOD, b = data, r; std::array q; q[0] = 1; u32_t i = 0; do { ++i; r = a % b; q[i] = a / b; a = b; b = r; } while (r); for (u32_t j = 2; j < i; ++j) { q[j] = q[j] * q[j - 1] + q[j - 2]; } if (i & 1) { return u61_t(q[i - 1]); } else { return u61_t(MOD - q[i - 1]); } } u61_t& u61_t::operator+=(const u61_t &x) { return *this = *this + x; } u61_t& u61_t::operator-=(const u61_t &x) { return *this = *this - x; } u61_t& u61_t::operator*=(const u61_t &x) { return *this = *this * x; } u61_t& u61_t::operator/=(const u61_t &x) { return *this = *this / x; } inline u64_t* u61_t::get_addr() { return &data; } inline const u64_t* u61_t::get_addr() const { return &data; } inline u64_t& u61_t::get_buf() { return data; } inline const u64_t& u61_t::get_buf() const { return data; } void u61_t::print(FILE *fout, u32_t i) const { if ((i > 0 && data != 1) || !i) { fprintf(fout, "%llu", data); } if (i > 1) { fprintf(fout, "t%u", i); } else if (i == 1) { fprintf(fout, "t"); } } u61_t u61_t::pow(u32_t p) const { u61_t res, tmp = *this; res = 1; while (p > 0) { if (p & 1) { res *= tmp; } p /= 2; tmp *= tmp; } return res; } pol_t::pol_t(): data(1), degree(0) { data[0] = 0; } void pol_t::change_degree(u32_t ndegree) { degree = ndegree; data.resize(degree + 1); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { data[i] = 0; } } pol_t& pol_t::operator=(const pol_t &x) { if (&x != this) { change_degree(x.degree); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { data[i] = x[i]; } } return *this; } u61_t& pol_t::operator[](u32_t i) { if (i > degree) { throw "Out of array bound"; } return data[i]; } const u61_t& pol_t::operator[](u32_t i) const { if (i > degree) { throw "Out of array bound"; } return data[i]; } u64_t& pol_t::operator()(u32_t i) { if (i > degree) { throw "Out of array bound"; } return data[i].get_buf(); } const u64_t& pol_t::operator()(u32_t i) const { if (i > degree) { throw "Out of array bound"; } return data[i].get_buf(); } inline u32_t pol_t::get_deg() const { return degree; } pol_t pol_t::operator+(const pol_t &x) const{ pol_t tmp; u32_t tempdeg; if (degree < x.degree) { tempdeg = x.degree; } else { tempdeg = degree; } tmp.change_degree(tempdeg); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { tmp[i] = data[i]; } for (u32_t i = 0; i <= x.degree; ++i) { tmp[i] += x[i]; } while (tmp.degree > 0 && !tmp[tmp.degree]) { --(tmp.degree); } return tmp; } pol_t pol_t::operator-(const pol_t &x) const { pol_t tmp; u32_t tempdeg; if (degree < x.degree) { tempdeg = x.degree; } else { tempdeg = degree; } tmp.change_degree(tempdeg); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { tmp[i] = data[i]; } for (u32_t i = 0; i <= x.degree; ++i) { tmp[i] -= x[i]; } while (tmp.degree > 0 && !tmp[tmp.degree]) { --(tmp.degree); } return tmp; } pol_t pol_t::operator*(const pol_t &x) const { pol_t tmp; tmp.change_degree(degree + x.degree); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { for (u32_t j = 0; j <= x.degree; ++j) { tmp[i + j] += data[i] * x[j]; } } while (tmp.degree > 0 && !tmp[tmp.degree]) { --tmp.degree; } return tmp; } pol_t pol_t::operator%(const pol_t &x) const { if (!x) { throw "Polinomial denominator = 0"; } pol_t tmp = *this; if (!x.degree) { return pol_t(); } else { u61_t inv = x[x.degree].inverse(); for (u32_t i = tmp.degree; i >= x.degree; --i) { u61_t q = tmp[i] * inv; for (u32_t j = 0; j <= x.degree; ++j) { tmp[i - j] -= x[x.degree - j] * q; } } while (tmp.degree > 0 && !tmp[tmp.degree]) { --tmp.degree; } return tmp; } } pol_t pol_t::operator/(const pol_t &x) const { if (!x) { throw "Polinomial devision by 0"; } else if (x.degree > degree) { return pol_t(); } else if (x.degree) { pol_t tmp = *this, res; res.change_degree(tmp.degree - x.degree); u61_t q = x[x.degree].inverse(); for (u32_t i = tmp.degree; i >= x.degree; --i) { res[i - x.degree] = tmp[i] * q; for (u32_t j = 0; j <= x.degree; ++j) { tmp[i - j] -= x[x.degree - j] * res[i - x.degree]; } } return res; } else { pol_t res = *this; u61_t q = x[0].inverse(); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= res.degree; ++i) { res[i] *= q; } return res; } } pol_t& pol_t::operator+=(const pol_t&x) { return *this = *this + x; } pol_t& pol_t::operator-=(const pol_t&x) { return *this = *this - x; } pol_t& pol_t::operator*=(const pol_t&x) { return *this = *this * x; } pol_t& pol_t::operator%=(const pol_t&x) { return *this = *this % x; } pol_t& pol_t::operator/=(const pol_t&x) { return *this = *this / x; } pol_t::operator bool() const { return degree || data[0]; } bool pol_t::operator==(const pol_t &x) const { if (x.degree != degree) { return false; } else { for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { if (data[i] != x(i)) { return false; } } } return true; } pol_t pol_t::pow(u32_t p) const { pol_t res, tmp = *this; res(0) = 1; while (p > 0) { if (p & 1) { res *= tmp; } p /= 2; tmp *= tmp; } return res; } pol_t pol_t::mpow(u64_t p, const pol_t &m) const { pol_t res, tmp = *this % m; res(0) = 1; while (p > 0) { if (p & 1) { res = res * tmp % m; } p /= 2; tmp = tmp * tmp % m; } return res; } pol_t pol_t::mpow(u64_t p, u64_t d, const pol_t &m) const { pol_t tmp = mpow((p - 1) / 2, m), res; res[0] = 1; for (u64_t i = 0; i < d; ++i) { res = res * tmp % m; tmp = tmp.mpow(p, m); } return res; } pol_t pol_t::normalize() const { pol_t res = *this; u61_t q = data[degree].inverse(); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { res[i] *= q; } return res; } pol_t pol_t::deriv() const{ pol_t res; if (degree) { res.change_degree(degree - 1); for (u32_t i = degree; i > 0; --i) { res[i - 1] = u61_t(i) * data[i]; } } while (res.degree > 0 && !res[res.degree]) { --res.degree; } return res; } void pol_t::read(FILE *fin, pol_format_t format) { degree = 0; switch (format) { case BINPR: std::fread(°ree, 1, 1, fin); if (degree > 256) { throw "Incorrect polynomial degree"; } data.resize(degree + 1); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { u64_t buf; std::fread(&buf, BUFSIZE, 1, fin); if (buf >= MOD) { throw "Incorrect polinomial coefficient"; } data[i] = buf; } break; case TEXTPR: std::fscanf(fin, "%u", °ree); if (degree > 256) { throw "Incorrect polynomial degree"; } data.resize(degree + 1); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { u64_t buf; std::fscanf(fin, "%llu", &buf); if (buf >= MOD) { throw "Incorrect polinomial coefficient"; } data[i] = buf; } break; case HTMLPR: break; default: break; } } void pol_t::write(FILE *fout, pol_format_t format, bool eol) const { switch (format) { case pol::BINPR: fwrite(°ree, 1, 1, fout); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { fwrite(data[i].get_addr(), BUFSIZE, 1, fout); } break; case pol::TEXTPR: fprintf(fout, "%u ", degree); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) { fprintf(fout, "%llu ", data[i].get_buf()); } if (eol) fprintf(fout, "\n"); break; case pol::HTMLPR: { u32_t i = degree; u32_t min = 0; while (min < degree && !data[min]) ++min; --min; data[i].print(fout, i); --i; for (; i != min; --i) { if (data[i]) { fprintf(fout, " + "); data[i].print(fout, i); } } if (eol) fprintf(fout, "
"); } break; default: break; } } void pol_t::ddf(u32_t max_deg, vector_t &res) const { pol_t v = *this, x = get_x(), xp = x, tmp; res.resize(max_deg + 1); for (u32_t i = 0; i <= max_deg; ++i) { res[i](0) = 1; } u32_t i = 1; for (; i <= max_deg; ++i) { xp = xp.mpow(MOD, v); tmp = gcd(xp - x, v); if (tmp.degree > 0) { res[i] = tmp; v /= tmp; } //fprintf(stderr, "%d of %d\n", i, max_deg); } res[0] = v; } void pol_t::split(u32_t deg, vector_t &res) const { u32_t count = degree / deg, found = 0; pol_t r_pol, r_gcd, unit; unit[0] = 1; std::list l1, l2; l1.push_back(*this); std::list *cur = &l1, *next = &l2; while (found < count) { r_pol = get_rand_pol(deg); next->clear(); for (auto i = cur->begin(), end = cur->end(); i != end; ++i) { if (i->degree == deg) { res.push_back(*i); ++found; } else { r_gcd = gcd(r_pol.mpow(MOD, deg, *i) - unit, *i); if (r_gcd.degree && r_gcd.degree < i->degree) { *i /= r_gcd; if (i->degree == deg) { res.push_back(*i); ++found; } else { next->push_back(*i); } if (r_gcd.degree == deg) { res.push_back(r_gcd); ++found; } else { next->push_back(r_gcd); } } else { next->push_back(*i); } } } std::swap(cur, next); } } void pol_t::fact(u32_t max_deg, vector_t &res) const { pol_t d = gcd(deriv(), *this), tmp; if (d.degree) { tmp = *this / d; } else { tmp = *this; } std::vector ddf_pol; tmp.ddf(max_deg, ddf_pol); for (u32_t i = 1; i <= max_deg; ++i) { if (ddf_pol[i].degree > 0) { ddf_pol[i].split(i, res); } } if (d.degree) { for (size_t i = 0, size = res.size(); i < size && d.degree; ++i) { while (!(d % res[i])) { res.push_back(res[i]); d /= res[i]; } } } } deg_t::deg_t() : key(0) {} deg_t::deg_t(u32_t a, u32_t b) : x(a), y(b) { } bool deg_t::operator<(const deg_t °) const{ return key < deg.key; } bool deg_t::operator==(const deg_t °) const{ return key == deg.key; } deg_t deg_t::operator+(const deg_t °) const { return deg_t(x + deg.x, y + deg.y); } pol3v_t::pol3v_t() { data.clear(); data.push_back(pol3v1_t()); dx = 0; dy = 0; dt = 0; } pol3v_t::pol3v_t(const polmap_t &m) : data(), dx(0), dy(0), dt(0) { data.clear(); bool empty = true; for (auto i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i) { if (i->second) { if (empty) { empty = false; } data.push_back(*i); if (dx < i->first.x) dx = i->first.x; if (dy < i->first.y) dy = i->first.y; if (dt < i->second.get_deg()) dt = i->second.get_deg(); } } if (empty) { data.push_back(pol3v1_t()); } } pol3v_t& pol3v_t::operator=(const pol3v_t &x) { if (&x != this) { data.clear(); data = x.data; dx = x.dx; dy = x.dy; dt = x.dt; } return *this; } pol3v_t pol3v_t::operator+(const pol3v_t &x) const { polmap_t tmp; for (auto i = data.begin(); i != data.end(); ++i) { if (tmp.find(i->first) == tmp.end()) { tmp.insert(*i); } else { tmp[i->first] += i->second; } } for (auto i = x.data.begin(); i != x.data.end(); ++i) { if (tmp.find(i->first) == tmp.end()) { tmp.insert(*i); } else { tmp[i->first] += i->second; } } return tmp; } pol3v_t pol3v_t::operator-(const pol3v_t &x) const { polmap_t tmp; for (auto i = data.begin(); i != data.end(); ++i) { if (tmp.find(i->first) == tmp.end()) { tmp.insert(*i); } else { tmp[i->first] += i->second; } } for (auto i = x.data.begin(); i != x.data.end(); ++i) { if (tmp.find(i->first) == tmp.end()) { tmp.insert(pol3v1_t(i->first, pol_t() - i->second)); } else { tmp[i->first] -= i->second; } } return tmp; } pol3v_t pol3v_t::operator*(const pol3v_t &x) const { polmap_t tmp; for (auto i = data.begin(); i != data.end(); ++i) { for (auto j = x.data.begin(); j != x.data.end(); ++j) { if (tmp.find(i->first + j->first) == tmp.end()) { tmp.insert(pol3v1_t(i->first + j->first, i->second * j->second)); } else { tmp[i->first + j->first] += i->second * j->second; } } } return tmp; } pol3v_t& pol3v_t::operator+=(const pol3v_t &x) { return *this = *this + x; } pol3v_t& pol3v_t::operator-=(const pol3v_t &x) { return *this = *this - x; } pol3v_t& pol3v_t::operator*=(const pol3v_t &x) { return *this = *this * x; } pol_t pol3v_t::subst(const pol_t &x, const pol_t &y) const { pol_t res; for (auto i = data.begin(), end = data.end(); i != end; ++i) { res += x.pow(i->first.x) * y.pow(i->first.y) * i->second; } return res; } pol3v_t pol3v_t::get_same_rand_pol() const { pol3v_t res = *this; for (auto i = res.data.begin(), end = res.data.end(); i != end; ++i) { i->second = get_rand_pol(i->second.get_deg(), false); } return res; } void pol3v_t::read(FILE *fin, pol_format_t format) { size_t count = 0; data.clear(); switch (format) { case BINPR: { std::fread(&count, 1, sizeof(count), fin); if (!count) { data.push_back(pol3v1_t()); dx = 0; dy = 0; dt = 0; } deg_t deg; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { std::fread(&(deg.key), sizeof(deg.key), 1, fin); pol_t tmp; tmp.read(fin, BINPR); if (tmp) { data.push_back(pol3v1_t(deg, tmp)); if (deg.x > dx) dx = deg.x; if (deg.y > dy) dy = deg.y; if (tmp.get_deg() > dt) dt = tmp.get_deg(); } } break; } case TEXTPR: std::fscanf(fin, "%zu", &count); if (!count) { data.clear(); data.push_back(pol3v1_t()); dx = 0; dy = 0; dt = 0; } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { u32_t v[2]; fscanf(fin, "%u%u", v, v + 1); pol_t tmp; tmp.read(fin, TEXTPR); if (tmp) { data.push_back(pol3v1_t(deg_t(v[0], v[1]), tmp)); if (v[0] > dx) dx = v[0]; if (v[1] > dy) dy = v[1]; if (tmp.get_deg() > dt) dt = tmp.get_deg(); } } } break; case HTMLPR: break; default: break; } } void pol3v_t::write(FILE *fout, pol_format_t format, bool eol) const { size_t count = data.size(); switch (format) { case pol::BINPR: std::fwrite(&count, 1, sizeof(count), fout); for (auto i = data.begin(), end = data.end(); i != end; ++i) { std::fwrite(&(i->first.key), sizeof(i->first.key), 1, fout); i->second.write(fout, BINPR); } break; case TEXTPR: std::fprintf(fout, "%zu\n", count); for (auto i = data.begin(), end = data.end(); i != end; ++i) { fprintf(fout, "%u %u ", i->first.x, i->first.y); i->second.write(fout, TEXTPR, true); } if (eol) { fprintf(fout, "\n"); } break; case pol::HTMLPR: if (!count) { fprintf(fout, "0"); } else { auto i = data.rbegin(); if (i->first.x > 1) { fprintf(fout, "x%u", i->first.x); } else if (i->first.x == 1) { fprintf(fout, "x"); } if (i->first.y > 1) { fprintf(fout, "y%u", i->first.y); } else if (i->first.y == 1) { fprintf(fout, "y"); } fprintf(fout, "("); i->second.write(fout, HTMLPR); fprintf(fout, ")"); ++i; for (auto end = data.rend(); i != end; ++i) { fprintf(fout, " + "); if (i->first.x > 1) { fprintf(fout, "x%u", i->first.x); } else if (i->first.x == 1) { fprintf(fout, "x"); } if (i->first.y > 1) { fprintf(fout, "y%u", i->first.y); } else if (i->first.y == 1) { fprintf(fout, "y"); } fprintf(fout, "("); i->second.write(fout, HTMLPR); fprintf(fout, ")"); } } if (eol) { fprintf(fout, "
"); } break; default: break; } } File::File() : file(NULL), opened(false), mode(READ), buf(0), pos(0), count(0) { } File::File(FILE *_file, file_mode_t m) : file(_file), opened(false), mode(m), buf(0), pos(0), count(0) { } File::File(const char *file_name, file_mode_t m) : file(NULL), opened(false), mode(m), buf(0), pos(0), count(0) { if (!open(file_name, m)) { throw "Can't open the file"; } } File::~File() { close(); } bool File::open(const char *file_name, file_mode_t m) { if ((mode = m) == READ) { file = fopen(file_name, "rb"); } else { file = fopen(file_name, "wb"); } return opened = !!(file); } void File::close() { if (opened) { flush(); fclose(file); opened = false; mode = READ; } } void File::flush() { if (mode == WRITE && count) { buf = (buf >> pos) & ((1ull << count) - 1); fwrite(&buf, 1, (count - 1) / 8 + 1, file); } count = 0; pos = 0; buf = 0; } size_t File::read(u61_t &block) { if (mode != READ || !opened) { throw "Incorrect read"; } u64_t res = 0; size_t cur = 0; if (count) { res = (buf >> pos) & ((1ull << MODSIZE) - 1) & ((1ull << count) - 1); cur = count < MODSIZE ? count : MODSIZE; } if (cur < MODSIZE) { buf = 0; count = 8 * fread(&buf, 1, (MODSIZE - cur - 1) / 8 + 1, file); read_size += count / 8; res |= (buf << cur) & ((1ull << MODSIZE) - 1); } if (res >= MOD || (res < (1ull << (MODSIZE - 1)))) { res &= (1ull << (MODSIZE - 1)) - 1; if (count > MODSIZE - 1 - cur) { count -= MODSIZE - 1 - cur; pos = MODSIZE - 1 - cur; cur = MODSIZE - 1; } else { cur += count; count = 0; } } else { count -= MODSIZE - cur; pos = MODSIZE - cur; cur = MODSIZE; } block = res; return cur; } size_t File::write(const u61_t &block, size_t block_size) { if (mode != WRITE || !opened) { throw "Incorrect write"; } u64_t tmp = block; size_t size; if (tmp >= (1ull << (MODSIZE - 1))) { size = MODSIZE; } else { size = block_size; } if (!count) { buf = 0; } buf |= tmp << count; if (size + count >= 8 * sizeof(buf)) { fwrite(&buf, 1, sizeof(buf), file); } if (size + count > 8 *sizeof(buf)) { buf = tmp >> (sizeof(buf)* 8 - count); } count = (size + count) % (8 * sizeof(buf)); return size; } random_t::random_t() : generator(std::time(NULL)) { } u61_t random_t::operator()() { return u64_t((generator() - 1.) / generator.max() * MOD); } pol_t pol::gcd(const pol_t &x, const pol_t &y) { pol_t a = x, b = y, q; while (q = a % b, q) { a = b; b = q; } return b.normalize(); } pol_t pol::get_x() { pol_t res; res.change_degree(1); res[1] = 1; return res; } pol_t pol::get_rand_pol(u32_t deg, bool flag) { static random_t get_coef; pol_t res; res.change_degree(deg); //res[deg] = flag ? 1 : get_coef(); while (!res(deg)) { res[deg] = get_coef(); } for (u32_t i = 0; i < deg; ++i) { res[i] = get_coef(); } return res; } pol3v_t pol::XXX_get_f(const u64_t max_deg, const u32_t key_deg) { polmap_t tmp; for (u32_t i = 0; i <= max_deg; ++i) { tmp.insert(pol3v1_t(deg_t(i, i), get_rand_pol(key_deg - 1))); } return tmp; } pol3v_t pol::XXX_get_mes(const u64_t max_deg, const u32_t key_deg, const u64_t size, const std::vector &m) { polmap_t tmp; pol_t tmp2; u64_t block_count = m.size(); tmp2.change_degree(key_deg - 1); for (u32_t i = 0; i < max_deg; ++i) { for (u32_t j = 0; j < key_deg; ++j) { if (i * key_deg + j < block_count) { tmp2[j] = m[block_count - 1 - (i * key_deg + j)]; } else { tmp2(j) = 0; } } tmp.insert(pol3v1_t(deg_t(i, i), tmp2)); } tmp2.change_degree(0); tmp2[0] = size; tmp.insert(pol3v1_t(deg_t(u32_t(max_deg), u32_t(max_deg)), tmp2)); return tmp; } void pol::XXX_get_fact(const vector_t &fact, u64_t deg, vector_t &res) { size_t num = fact.size(); std::vector> tmp; tmp.resize(deg + 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { u32_t pol_deg = fact[i].get_deg(); for (auto j = tmp.rbegin(); j != tmp.rend(); ++j) { for (auto it = j->begin(); it != j->end(); ++it) { if (pol_deg + it->get_deg() <= deg) { tmp[pol_deg + it->get_deg()].push_back(fact[i] * *it); } } } if (pol_deg <= deg) { tmp[pol_deg].push_back(fact[i]); } } res.clear(); for (auto i = tmp[deg].begin(); i != tmp[deg].end(); ++i) { res.push_back(*i); } }